I had 505cc over the muscle! I have well bad back ache but other than that I feel fine. Just listen to the advice of surgeon and nurses and your be fine!
Alana x
Hi Dinz,
Dr Chantasarak has just done a tummy tuck for me. yesterday afternoon infact! Apart from tenderness where the muscles have been tightened, I am feeling well. Being discharged tmrw!
claire xx
overs mean over the muscle, if you have enough breat tissue already then that is what they would do, if you have little breast tissue then they will go under the muscle so the implant will fit in, its also easier surgery to do over the mucle and a quicker recovery.
hope this helps
my right breast did the same andMr C suggested a low profile implant which if i am honest they would look shit! and i would not get the look I wanted but he has worked his magic and they look fab at the moment!! I went with biggest size implant he suggested! I had overs as well
It would seem that Dr Chantarasak is a good surgeon! I can’t wait for him to do my tummy tuck on tues! Will be nice for me to share the experience with all you ladies! Lol
Claire x
Alana, thats really good to hear, my only concern is one of my boobs is a little bit more droopy than the other, its not to bad and somedays looks fine wierd eh. I had first went to the hospital group but the wanted to give me a lift too which bumped the price up much too high, i didnt get a good vibe from them at all and I couldnt leave fast enough. Mr C told me to go over not under, i just cant help but wonder if I go slightly bigger will I go more unlevel??? Like you say tho trust the surgeon !
Lyn – I wanted my boob jonb done for 12 years and finally had it done on Tuesday in Highgate – its the best thing I did and looking at my new assets yuo’d never believe I breastfed 3 kiddies!!
Alana xx
Hi Danielle,
I’m there overnight too. Hoping for an afternoon admission as I’m getting the train there. The date is getting closer on the calender and I don’t think it has attually sunk in yet that I’m attually going to have my boobs done, but after a lifetime of a small chest and breastfeeding 2 children I cant help but feel that i might wake up a new person lol. Have you had a go at the ‘rice test’ yet to see how you will look?
hi ya just wondered if anyone will be at the hospital the same time as me?? and any info on dr chantarasak?? i no some sureons only like to do small implants and others big ones.. i want big ones any info???
thanks Danielle
hey lynsey,
thats fab might see you there then.. im avin 525 overs with him ( gonna b big) , he seems like a nice man and the feedback ive been getin is great!!
r u a daycase?? im there overnight…
Hi Danielle I’m at Highgate on the 28th for my with Mr Chantarasak. glad to hear he did a great job for you Alana. I’m having either 380/410 over’s, not qiute decided on which size yet.
Just out of interest Alana what did he do for you?
Hi Alana
thats good to hear!!1 i met him 2day or the first time and he seems really nice… and he has agreed to give me big implants! yay!!!
i am having 525c and am currently an a/b cup wot did u have?
how has your recovery been so far?? i am having them over the muscle so recovery should be easier! (hopefully!!)
I had Mr Chanatarasak on tuesday at highgate words can not describe what a fantastic job he did for me!!
thakyou and let mo no how ur surgery goes… might see u there in 3 yrs then, il be gettin the tummy tuck and u the ba!!!! i will let uno how it goes for me!! cant wait!!
Hi Danielle,
Im more nervous than excited at the moment! Lol. My husband kept asking if they could chuck in a BA as well. But if this goes well, and is how I think it will be then in about 3 years time (I will be 30) I think I might just go and have them done! good luck for the 28th. It will be worth it!
Claire xx
hi claire…
thanks for your info i will have a look, yes pease do let me no, i wouldnt mind a tummy tuck too!! better not push my luck tho!!
good luck for your surgery bet ur excited!!!
take care
Danielle xx
Hi Danielle,
I am going to Highgate on Tues for a full tummy tuck with Dr chantarask! Will let you know when I get home what he is like as a Dr! I have been reading about him. He has a keen interest in hair transplants and has been a qualified surgeon since 1980. If you go to Highgate Hospital website, you can look up surgeons!
Claire xx
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