Anyone been on holiday after BA? Started by: Vicki

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  • Vicki 24

    Hi ladies!!
    I’m planning on going aboard 5weeks after my surgery!
    I did ask my consultant if I was ok to fly to Spain and she said yes after 2 weeks as it’s classed as a short haul flight and that I could FaceTime her just before so she can see how I am and have a look at my boobs! BUT we might book a holiday to turkey now and it’s a 4 hour flight not a 2 hour flight to Spain!! Will I still be ok!??? I will ask on Tuesday when I go for my op but just wanted to See if anyone’s been away since having there’s done because I’m at home looking at holidays…
    Thank you! Xxx

    Rael 20

    I saw someone previously make a post about this and I saw someone say that they went on holiday after their op and it was fine.
    I am going on holiday soon too and I’ve just had my operation, I’ll be about 5 nearly 6 weeks post op when I go away (also short haul flight).

    I’m sure everything will be fine, just ask your nurse questions about
    Being in the sun, sunbathing, going into pool and if you can wear any bikinis or if they have to be unwired x


    You should be fine Hun, I’m going cyprus 6 weeks post op which is 4 hours 45 mins for me & the surgeon told me I would be okay I just wouldn’t be able to go swimming in the pool, I can get in just not do lengths haha .. I’ve seen a few girls on here saying they’ve been fine, as long as you keep your scars covered and what not, you should be fine, also use a high factor on the babies xx

    Vicki 24

    Thank you for your comments ladies!! I will ask my PC when I see her… I know I’m definitely ok to fly to Spain, just hoping turkeys ok. Xx

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