Anyone booked for december 21st?? Started by: myamel

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  • myamel

    Hi, I have me consultation tomorrow with Mr Kazzazi, pc mentioned last operating day is december 21st but I havent seen anyone mention being booked in for this date, maybe its a little early lol. I hope this is still an operating day it would be perfect for me. Is there set days when operating is available i.e mon to fri think I will be at doncaster xx


    :thumbup:hi im having mine on 18th dec in doncaster with mr kazazzi.ill have my tape off xmas eve so be ok over having 410 in left 380 in right due to uneven boobs really nervous but excited too.hope your op goes ok even though youll prob be taped up over xmas .i think they operate 7 days a week.x


    Hi hun,
    Just seen mr kazzazi today booked for 21st december :bigsmile: having 380 medium/high profile unders. He offered me 340 and 380 and said he would not use anything smaller and said he would definately recommend the 380 as I may be dissapointed with 340s, I should end up a d xx

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