Anyone else had some disappointing reactions from friends and family? Started by: Harriet

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  • Harriet 88

    Has anyone else been really excited to tell close friends and send them photos only for them to either say “I don’t get why you needed it done” or “yeah, they’re in proportion” and like nothing else ? Biggest buzzkill ever

    hollie 22

    Yes!!!! I think everyone will probably have this from someone or another,and the majority of it is jealousy. It really is. I had some old work friends (recently left) be really funny towards me,even though they knew I’ve wanted it since I started working there (16) now 24. I was really shocked to then find out I was the new topic of conversation and some not nice things were being said.
    I just think whatever you do these days someone always has something negative to say!
    But sod them! And just love your amazing boobs even more xxxx

    Harriet 88

    Hi Hollie,

    Thanks for your reply – you’re right, the most important thing is that I’m happy. Wow that’s so pathetic that people bitch about your personal choices, but at least we’re happy. πŸ™‚ xxxx

    Helen 111

    hey harriet i know what you mean! i’ve had people like ‘really? you don’t look like you’ve had them done, they look the same!’ until i whip out my clevage! it’s so annoying because at the end of the day, you have things like this done for you. some people will be negative or judge. who cares what anyone else thinks or says, just as long as you’re happy hun! πŸ™‚ xx

    Harriet 88

    Yeah, true πŸ™‚ It’s really disheartening but at least I can now just knock the haters out with my new big boobs LOL xx

    Zoe 15

    Your new boobs look amazing! I Hope mine look like yours do, jealousy is probly a big part of it. We all do it for our selfs to make our selfs look & feel better, true friends & people who matter will be suportive & positive about them. Don’t let it get to you hun ☺️❀️. I havnt had mine done yet booked july but ive already been told by a few people “friends” im stupid and there is no need for me to do it. Yet there not the ones with a boobies & struggle to feel comftable in cloths xx

    Jess 146

    Had this yesterday! My “best friend” is (I feel horrible writing this and I promise I’m not self conceited!) is less attractive than me so she tries to put me down over certain things and one of them has always been my boobs. She used to get bras out my drawers when our male friends were there and be like “HA, imagine having boobs this small!!” And “Haha guess what? My boobs are a D cup now, are you jealous???” And would put a cup between the gap in her boobs and say like “Look what I can do, you don’t have any boob to do this haha” and constantly go on about how her boobs get her free drinks all the time and that I have none to do that with… Used to make me feel like shit especially when she knew how self conscious I was about them! I just got measured yesterday (32F/G!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I was absolutely made up because I was worried I would’ve been only a D when I wanted to be bigger, and I told her because I was so happy and excited and all I got was “Yeah well they don’t actually look that big though do they, when you’re wearing normal tops you can’t even tell you’ve had them done.” Like wow thanks, can’t you just be happy for me???

    Bassett28 122

    @Harriet How bloody annoying – why can’t people just be happy for you hey?!

    I’d be annoyed too!! my best mate had been supportive but I’m desperate to talk boobs and she doesn’t ask so I don’t tell! So I bore my husband instead. Just wait until you are prancing around in a top which really shows off your boobs then your best friend will be stuck for words!! X

    Harriet 88

    @zoe-2 – thank you hun πŸ™‚ Yeah, it’s true, people are quick to judge before they understand how the other person feels xx

    wow, that’s so bad! Belittling someone else’s boobs/body when it means so much to them is really mean! I bet she’ll be soo jealous when you’re really showing them off πŸ™‚

    – very annoying – would it kill someone to just be positive?! x

    Jess 146

    I know, I’d never dare say anything about any of her insecurities, it’s just not something you do and definitely not to someone who’s supposed to be your best friend ? I’ve stopped caring now though because my boobs are fantastic and I’m in love with them haha! Harriet from your profile picture yours look amazing ??? xx

    Harriet 88

    @jlst yours look amazing and so big!, screw your friend lol ? Ahh thank you, I’m sooo pleased!! Xx

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