Anyone else recommended or used Pico Dressings with the Pump ? Started by: Michaela

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  • Michaela 15

    Evenng ladies. I’m booked in for an uplift and enlargement on September 10th with Mr Mashhadi at Fitzroy. He has recommended using Pico dressings as it helps with the healing process. These obviously come at an extra cost on top in excess of £100 + for each dressing. I’m a general nurse myself and have used these dressing on a patient some years ago and know how difficult it was then to get the GP to agree to supply due to costs. Have any of you ladies been recommended the Pico dressings for you surgery?


    Hi hun I had an uplift with implants 9 weeks ago, I left the hospital with pico dressings ( pumps ) on and only had them taken off about 2 weeks ago due to having delayed wound healing so they kept them on me to help heal them. Personally I didn’t think they helped at all until I went onto dry dressings with dressings of honey on my wounds.. I don’t know how different they would be for anyone who didn’t suffer with what I had but I know quiet a few people haven’t got them.. I didn’t have my op done with mya so all my after care and use of picos was included in the price I paid..

    Let me know how you get on 🙂 xx

    Michaela 15

    Thank you Natalie. i think I’ll chat to the girls at the clinic when I go for my pre-op next week and see what they say too xx

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