Anyone had 275cc under muscle implants with pictures? Need reassurance Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie

    I am booked to have my surgery in two weeks time (I’m not with MYA) and my surgeon has decided to give me 275cc implants under the muscle. Having done my research on here I feel like that is going to be too small and he won’t go any bigger for me. I am 5’2″ and weigh just under 8 stone, is there anyone with similar stats to me that can share some pictures? Thanks x

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Ellie.
    Janet 38

    Hi Ellie, not exactly what you’re looking for but I’m same height and weight as you and I had 275cc in one side and 300 in the other. Over the muscle mind. I’ll try and post a pic on here but if you have Instagram I have lots of pics on there in and out of clothes to help you gage size
    Personally I think they’re the perfect size for my body, but it does depend on what you’re wanting from it xx

    Janet 38

    I’m currently 5 weeks post of so they still have settling to do. Hope it uploads

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    Janet 38

    Duno why it’s upside down ??‍♀️

    Amelia 6

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Hey! I just had 200cc put in and I was around a 32 a/b before honestly a little implant goes a long way so trust what your surgeon says! It just depends what look you’re going for! Xxx


    Hi Janet thanks for your reply they look amazing!! I was going to ask my surgeon about the possibility of going over the muscle instead, do you mind me asking what was your size before? xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Ellie.
    TBaker 21

    Hi @ellie I had 350 UPH unders and am 6 stone – 5’1 I started as 32A. I would request another surgeon if your unhappy. What size are you now? Xx

    Janet 38

    I was an empty 32a beforehand xx

    Livv 4

    Hey Janet,

    My stats are similar to yours I am 5ft 3 and I weigh 7 stone 10. I was a 32 B. I had my BA on the 26th September I had 270 CC in both my boobs. I am happy with mine there very natural looking. So it depends what you want to achieve out of it if you’re wanting really big you would need more than 270cc but everyone is so different. I couldn’t have bigger because any bigger would look silly on me xx

    Livv 4

    Sorry it was meant to say Hi Ellie not Janet!x

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