Anyone had 300cc mod plus overs? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls my BA is booked for 20th October (not with mya), I was wondering if anyone has pics of 300cc mod plus overs? I’m a 32a/b with a wide gap, I was so set on high profile before but I’ve been advised that this won’t close the gap, I’ve seen mod plus unders but I haven’t seen any overs! I’m stressing out!! X

    Eveie 23

    Ive had a consultation with Ms Lutz today and she has advised for me to have the same… 300cc mod plus overs. Im 32b at the moment and havn’t really seem any pics with these implants. Booked in for 10th oct for my surgery. Can anyone shed some light? X

    Laura 14

    Hia hun, im booked in on 18th of september for exactly the same. I havent seen much about these either x

    Eveie 23

    Hiya, i told Ms Lutz I wanted them to look natural so she put 2 different implants in the bra to she which shape i prefered. I chose the mod plis instead of high profile. She said i had enough tissue for the implant to go over. Frustrating tryimg to find someome to a similar build that has had these implants isnt it. X

    SarahG 9

    Hi Iam booked in on the 12/9 for 250 mod plus over Iam a 34b with gap and surgeon said it will bring me to a full C /D

    Bianca 1


    I am 4DPO from having 350cc mod plus overs. I was a 34A with a wide gap and wanted a cleavage. I was advised mod plus would be my best option however whilst it wouldn’t fully close the gap, with a bra I will be able to create the look I want. Still very swollen at the moment but measuring a 34DD and expecting to be a C/D. xx

    SarahG 9

    @bianca i habe sent you a friend request would you mind to show some pictures 🙂

    Eveie 23

    Amazing. Have you been able to see them yet? Would love to see them x

    Lauren 5

    My op is on the 18th of September! I’m having 300cc over and I’m a small A now even though I wear B bras, living in denial ???? And I’m really concerned that they won’t be as big as I would want, Ms lutz said I would be about a C but my PC thinks I will turn out to be a D and that’s the size I want but at the same time I don’t want to be too big, so worried that if I choose a large implant I could look out of proportion.
    It’s so hard to decide!

    kristina 10

    For any girls having MOD+ I had 400cc under the muscle 6 weeks ago, it took me from a 32A to 32E they have given me a beautiful close cleavage without a bra on! I know you don’t see many girls on here talk about having mod+ but don’t worry, in my personal experience they have given me great boob’s! Best of luck girls, trust what the surgeon says

    Peggy 25

    I had smaller 250 implants but mod profile overs which were suggested, and apparently good for cleavage (and they are! Haha) – plus I opted overs with thin tissue so profile I believe is better in my situation too, as a higher profile could have meant more rippling (in my case with thin tissue and overs)
    Feel free to add me to see progress pics of mod profile overs from flat 32a if it helps 🙂 I’m now 12wpo
    All the best xx

    SarahG 9

    @Peggy what size are you measuring now I’m booked in with 250cc mod plus over Iam a 34a small b now and surgeon said it will bring me to a full C or D cup Iam hoping to be a D

    SarahG 9

    Peggy what size are you measuring now I’m booked in with 250cc mod plus over Iam a 34a small b now and surgeon said it will bring me to a full C or D cup Iam hoping to be a D

    Peggy 25

    Hey @sarahgoshawk I was completely flat 32a/aa and I’d say I look a full B/small C cup as my surgeon thought- but implants do generally measure bigger, and I’ve found I’m wearing 32c/30d/32d depending where from 🙂 If you’ve already got a little something to work with I’m sure you’ll end up the size your surgeon is stating. I’ve got lots of before pics on my profile too if that helps 🙂 xx

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