Hi girls,
Has anyone had 300cc under the muscle? What size were you before and after? Happy with the results?!
I have my BA on saturday 12th with dr kazazzi and still don’t know what size to have! I’m a 34AA/A and want to be a full C, but would hate to be too big!
thanks xxxx
Oh god im typing this to you&no youve already had it done sory!Im having 260in one&280in other hoping for a full c under muscle&uplift to plse let me no how u got on.Ive got 1 week to go!!!xxx
hi polly what date are you having yours done, mine is a week tomorrow, im so excited, like a child waitin for christmas.. good luck for yours..x
19th sept but i not so exited more nervous i think its coz having an uplift as advised that i feel a bit down as i will have scaring around my nipple&a vertical one down my boobs!Wot u having Sara?x
Hi Polly. Yes i’ve had it done and i’m so happy!! I had 300 under’s and it went really well. They are hardly swollen at all! The nurse reckons I will end up being a 32D (I got measured as a 32A in La senza before the op). They don’t look really big tho, if anything I think I could have gone bigger! Best of luck girls xxxx
Oh god you had it done yest??How u feeling im so scared!xx
Don’t be nervous. I was having serious doubts the week before the op, even when i was waiting to go into the surgery! But as soon as i woke up from the surgery i felt so relieved and happy, i got wheeled back into my room and my boyfriend said i just had the biggest smile. It felt so right. The pain isn’t as bad as I thought either, just make sure you take the painkillers. any questions let me know but i am sure you will be fine xx
OMG 2days&it will b over still having doubts cant sleep!!How r u getting on oxfordgirl??xx
Ah so are you getting the op tomor? Best of luck!! I’m doing really well thanks, going to get the dressings taken off today so i will get a proper look at my new boobies in about 3 hours (can’t wait!!). Don’t be nervous, i had lots of doubts right up to my op but since having it done i have had no regrets. xx
hi oxford girl how are you new boobies lookin?xxx
All done!Wasnt as bad as thought just the scars arnt looking nice ive got one under like the normal one then one vertical then around my nipples looks quite freaky but i no will b fine.How boobies oxfordgirl?How u doing Adele?xx
Hiya. Well they are ok, but one boob is more swollen than the other so is looking a bit strange at the moment! Has anyone else found this? It’s making both boobs look a different shape! It’s fine when i’m wearing clothes tho and the pain is easing loads. Hoping that as it’s still early days that it will just take a bit more time to settle and for the swelling to go. How are your’s looking Polly? xx
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