Anyone had 400cc high profile?? Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica

    Hi everyone.. I’m new to this and was wondering if anyone had had 400cc, high profile and under the muscle? My surgeon has said that’s the implant he is going to give me. I’m currently a 32C and probably going to be a DD.. I’m just wondering if I should ask for a little more as I hear a lot of people want more! I am having my surgery with Dr Kazzazi in September which is a while off yet. The only thing scaring me with the whole procedure as of now is the thought of being put under general anaesthetic!


    Hey Hun I’m having 400cc unders on the 30th with Mr mounir xx


    Hey! I’m having mr kazzazi on the 23rd of May, 5 days away and I’m having 410cc under muscle.. What height are you? Add me if you like will be putting pictures up after Iv had it done xx


    Hey, bet you both cant wait!
    Georgina, I’m 5″4, I wonder if there’s much difference between 400cc and say 430ish? I’l add you now hun.. xx


    Hi Jessica, I had 420 high profile unders, almost 8 weeks ago


    Hey, how do you feel about them? What size was you before and what size are you now if you don’t mind me asking x


    I don’t think there’s much different at all tbh babe.. I’m going back to see mr kazzazi on Tuesday to talk to him again before my op on Friday and I might see if I can get offered any bigger, doubt it though haha.. Xx


    Least you can do is try I guess! Good luck with it. Initially I wanted this more to give my boobs more fullness and roundness at the top (size wasn’t really an issue) but after thinking about it, it is a lot of money to not be bothered about size! I knew obviously they were going to increase in size whether it was the shape I wanted to change or not. I think because I made this point clear at the consultation Dr Kazzazi may have not wanted to give me too much however after reading on here I see a lot of girls wish they would have had a little bigger so I’m going to ask the next time I see him.. Where is your surgery taking place?xx


    Mr kazzazi like doing natural look.. I’m currently a 32A and asked him to go to a D/DD he said I could have 410cc under muscle implants as I have not much breast tissue.. My surgery is taking place in Doncaster.. We’re would you be going to?? Doncaster is only 25 mins away from me so I’m having a day case and also under local anaesthetic xx


    I was at another cosmetic company earlier in the day of having my consultation at MYA and the surgeon there said the same as Dr Kazzazi, 400 and under the muscle. So I guess Il just leave him to it although I’m still probably going to see if I can have more 😉 I’m going to Doncaster too, I live about the same distance as well so it just makes it much more easier. I’m doing the day case and under general anaesthetic (as of now anyway) Just seen a post on here of someone having twilight surgery so might ask about that. The thought of being put to sleep is freaking me out to the point I could actually talk myself out of it on the day! But then again it probably is just easier to be put to sleep but will see closer to the time how I’m feeling I guess.. I bet your excited! I might have to bring my date forward because I’m feeling impulsive haha xx


    @jessicaloui i met with mr kazzazi again today and he said I can’t have any bigger as it will cause bad rippling if I did.. He also said the implant would not fit in my body and he’s sure ill be happy with the end result! I’m having the twilight surgery it’s another name for local anaesthetic I think?.. you have a quicker recovery from it so you don’t feel all groggy! We’re about do you live near? Wonder if your near me at all. Don’t panic about it you’ll be fine! I’m nervous for Friday but taking my mind off it 😀 best way xx


    Hey! Oh ok well I’m sure he knows best at the end of the day.. Thanks for letting me know anyways..
    I’ve just been reading up on that twilight surgery as we speak, I remember him saying that I would be sedated and in a conscious state so if he was to say my name I would respond or respond to anything they ask however afterwards I would have no recollection of this.. I’m feeling happier about it now as the thought of being put in a deep sleep scares me. My address is Pontefract but I’m quite close to Barnsley if that makes any sense! Where are you from? I’m getting impatient now, I want them done sooner :p xxx

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