Anyone had Dr Mileto for Labiaplasty ? Started by: newboobs11

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  • newboobs11 3

    I can’t find anything on the forum about Dr Mileto for Labiaplasty I’ve already had my consultation but would like some feedback from him and also aftercare advice. Thank you cc

    Emma 5

    I’m going to meet with him on Saturday! Also quite nervous as can only see feedback on BA’s xx

    For me 3

    Hey! I was booked in with another surgeon for the procedure a few months ago. However now this surgeon is no longer consulting so I am now having Dr Mileto. Like you said there’s so many reviews for BA but not much for labiaplasty so I too am nervous! My procedure is booked for May. How did you find Dr Mileto in your consultations? Do you think you’re going to go ahead? Xx

    Emma 5

    Had my consultation yesterday! He showed me some before and after which looked good and like the results I want. Dr Mileto was polite but pretty quiet- no small talk or anything but then I suppose they have so many people to see! I’m booked for 9th April and just feel excited now. Have you been for your consultation? X

    For me 3

    Aw I’m buzzing for you! Yeah I have. I’m booked for my op May 13th and my pre op is Monday! I’m excited too but obviously very nervous about results and stuff, just the fear of the unknown! Yeah I found the same with Dr Mileto when I met him! You’ll have to let me know how you get on! Can’t wait to hear how yours goes!! It’s so soon! X

    Emma 5

    Thank you! Yeah we should definitely keep in touch so I can let you know how it goes! Glad I booked it when I did as my PC said Dr Mileto is now booked up until June! X

    For me 3

    Oh really!! Oh I’m glad I did too then! Just want it done now. Been a long time coming. Have you had your pre op yet? If so what happens there? X

    Emma 5

    Me too! Feel weirdly excited for it- just want it over! I went to my pre-op appointment on Friday with a nurse in Birmingham. She was lovely- we just went through my medical history and confirmed weight and height. They then give you some more information about what to do to prepare, what it will be like during and then aftercare. We have also booked a post-op appointment for the following week so they can check everything is okay! x

    For me 3

    Yeah I had my pre op the other week too! Went fine. Good luck for next week, you’ll be fine! How are you feeling now? Be sure to keep me updated how things go!! X

    Emma 5

    Thank you! Feeling good, I’m excited that I’ve actually committed to it after wanting it done for years. Slightly dreading going back to work only 9 days afterwards but will try and take it easy! Yes definitely keep in touch xx


    Hi I am looking to get this procedure done and would like some advice of who to go with and what clinic to go? I’ve only just started researching recently so don’t really know how this all works? We anyone be comfortable discussing prices of procedures? Please can anyone help?


    Seen a few girls who have said they were booked in with dr mileto how was ur surgery please and the results?? I am booked for dec x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Jen.

    Hi, I have a consultation with Dr Mileto next week, anyone had their surgery already? x


    I am booked in for my surgery with Mr Mileto on 24th sept, I’m excited and nervous. Will update how things go after my op.

    Daniella 2

    im booked in for labiaplasty with Dr Mileto next Wednesday the 18th so I will keep you all updated as there is not much on the internet which is frustrating!
    has anybody had labiaplasty with him yet? xx

    Zoe 1

    Hi everyone. I had this done with him at the beginning of August x

    Bambi 6

    I’m booked in for consult with Dr Mileto 4th Oct and op in Dec. Searching this forum for any info/experiences…

    Kat 4

    Hey, my surgery with Dr Mileto is on 2nd Oct. I’ll also update this with how it’s gone etc 🙂 starting to get nervous now!


    Hi ladies I’m booked in with Doctor Mileto for labiaplasty and hoodectomy next week but can’t see any reviews! I’d really appreciate anyone letting me know if they’ve had it done with him? Xx

    Lisaf 4

    Hi …I had labiaplasty and hoodectomy with Dr Milleto on Monday so 2 days post op . Think
    All is ok but still very swollen x

    Daniella 2

    I’m 8 days post op, I’m trying to create a thread but i don’t know how! If anyone has any questions feel free to message me xx


    Hi, is anyone unhappy with their results? I’m 10 weeks post op and I’m sure all swelling has gone down now but the hood area is still large and almost looks deformed so I’m not happy at all!


    Hi guys,
    How to you rate the outcome of your labiplasty?


    I’m booked in to see Dr Mileto for labiaplasty, has anyone had this with him? X


    I had this done yesterday and still swollen but op went fine and so far not had too much pain really just a bit uncomfortable. How long did everyone’s swelling take to go down and are you happy with results x

    Rachel 12

    Anyone got an update on how the op went with dr mileto? I’ve a consultation with him I. 2 weeks x


    Hi everyone. Looking for someone to share their experience of the surgery? My surgery is in 13 days time and I have wanted Labiaplasty for as long as I can remember. So having saved up the money I’ve decided to go ahead. However my main big concern which is giving me major anxiety is the anaesthetic as I have never ever had to have it before (other than local for some dental work) I am someone who always thinks of the worst case scenario and I am scared I will have a bad reaction!. Any advice? Please. Lauren xxx

    Emily 2

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    Hi, I had it done with him around a year ago.
    The outcome is absolutely amazing. Better than I could have asked for xx


    Hi Emily,

    I have my surgery booked in for the 14th November and getting very nervous now. Did you have any problems with sensitively/sensation or numbness?



    Hey ladies
    I’ve had my consultations with Mr Mileto as well as all my pre op appointments with the nurses. Everyone’s been amazing! All have been reassuring and couldn’t be more helpful.
    My operation is in 2 weeks time, so I’ll keep you updated on post op progress.
    Happy to share as much advice for others on here, as it’s not always a common topic to be able to research. Open to questions if you have any x

    SM 9

    Hello ladies!

    Just wondering if anyone has had a recent labiaplasty experience with Dr Mileto? I’ve booked my consultation for this month and would love any feedback! 🙂

    Louise 4

    Hey SM! ☺️
    Yes, I had my labiaplasty + hoodectomy surgery at the end of January this year with Mr Mileto. My whole experience with the MYA team, nurses and Mr Mileto has been great.

    He’s quiet and calm, but a really knowledgable surgeon, and very experienced. He’s done an amazing job with my surgery and I love the results.

    The after care team couldn’t be more helpful. Made me feel at ease and stayed in touch when I was back home recovering for the weeks after.

    Honestly, you’ll be absolutely fine ☺️ and will be so pleased you made the decision to go ahead with it. Any questions, let me know xx

    SM 9

    Hi Louise!

    Thank you so much for replying!

    My whole journey from my consultation to surgery has gone so quickly! I saw Mr Mileto in London at the end of May and decided to book my procedure for the 16th June (yesterday!) at New Victoria Hospital London.
    My consultation with Mr Mileto concluded that labiaplasty with hoodectomy was the right decision for me.

    I had pervious surgery with Mya 11 years ago when I had breast argumentation so they were my first choice when I started looking at options for labiaplasty. Mr Mileto has an aura of confidence about him that makes you feel instantly at ease. Like you, I found him a quiet, calm person and clearly a very experienced surgeon. I had absolutely no doubts he was the right surgeon for me to meet my expectations and achieve the outcome I wanted.

    I will create a new thread about my experience but 24 hours post op I am absolutely delighted.
    New Victoria Hospital was exceptional and my care to this point has been nothing but excellent. Despite being a little sore and swollen my result is amazing. So happy I made the decision to have this surgery done.


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