hi helen s how did you get on today when you went for your first consultation, who was your co ordinator..x
oh yes on 20th sept, im so excited, like a child in a sweet shop…. have taken 2 weeks off work to rest.. if you see mr mardi also ask to see mr kazzazi. my friend is having mr mardi, but he is better for her, were all different, let me know how you go on would like to hear..x
wow bet you cant wait, ive been given a few options from work as to when i can take time off, the first is week after next and i would love to get them done then but maybe that soon is a bit optimistic hey! i can only take a week off and i have 2 children, youngest been 2 so im really worried as to how i will manage.x
well im a hairdresser and its alot of moving my arms so have been advised to have 2 off..eh im going to really enjoy the rest.. you have to be really carefull. let your hubby do all the hard work and you sit with your feet up, lol..x
yeah sounds like the best option! mite drag the pain out a bit for the sympathy vote ha ha!xx
Hi Clare, i was a 30b, then i had to children and breast fed they went up to an e, and then back down to an empty a/b. I had my ba a week today. I didnt need an up lift. I had 460cc overs high profile. I paid
Hi im having an uplift&implants on 19th sept have got 3 kids the youngest 18months she breast feed from one boob after 4months of using both for a further 6months so my boobs are odd&saggy!Going from a 34b to a 34 full c i cant rem the size but ive got to have a bigger one in the lt&smaller one in the rt??Really nervous about the whole thing hope i will make it to the theatre&dont run off!So want it over with&back to normal cant bear the thought of not being able to pick up my little girl wen she wants me or not being able to do housework!
hi polly, i brestfed for almost 4 years in total and my 90 year old nana had better boobies than me aarrghh! im really nervous about gow im gona manage with the kids and stuff too. hope all goes well 4u, let me no how u get on.xx
thanks adele, ive got my 1st consultation tomorrow so ill see who they offer, i cant wait to get them done, when are you getting yours done?x
my suregon said i may need an uplift but with bigger implants it fills the skin out more and having overs helps too
ive had 410cc and i love them, no longer little saggy boobs! but big firm pert ones xx
hi, got on really well yesterday thanks , i saw kerry standeven at leeds clinic. ill be going with dr kazzazi on 23rd october in doncaster. im going to see him on tuesday and ill also be having my preop at the same time to cut down on travelling. im so exited i nearly booked in for 10 days time but reality set in and i realised there just too much to organise before then with kids and everything. kerry said that if nipple is in line with your breast crease then your borderline uplift, i think mine is just above so im praying i will get good results with just an implant! adele yours is so close i bet you cant wait, julsp when is yours? what size do you measure now ruth and what were you before?xx
i have kerry she is so lovely and im having mr kazzazi he is nice too… oh yes a week sunday i cant contain myself im that excited… glad it went well for you..x
HI Helen , Im not booked in yet as said so far seen hosp group he said 410 overs then transform who want to uplift although said they could fill mine out without but really wanted to do uplift and i dont think i need all the scars they want me to have nor do I want them at 37.
I have tried to get my appt forward for kazzazi but he is only ther on the 22nd sept so i have kept my appt with him , ill have my deposit in my pocket so Im hoping he can help as id like my op in November xxx
hope it goes well for you julsp, im told that kazzazi is amazing and makes the smallest incisions of all leaving the least scarring.xx
hi polly just messaged you in “what size will i go up2”. i havnt picked a size yet, i guess that will happen when i see surgeon on tuesday, still dont fully understand the overs and unders but im sure he will fully xplain all that to me. xx
Thanks and you too.. is it whygoabroad.com you have looked at ??
Hi Helen, I’ve also had 2 kids. I went from a d cup to an f cup when breastfeeding then back down to a 32c/d now but empty. I still have alot of breast tissue and skin and like you I just wanted filling out. Surgeon recommended 410 or 460 f0r me which would take me to an e cup, it’s bigger than i plannd to go but he said anything smaller wouldn’t be worth my while.
Who is your consultation with hun?
Rio xx
hi rio, i cant remember who the patient coordinator is but i shall dig my letter out and let you no. im seeing someone at leeds. so do you not need and uplift? when are you having yours done and how much will it cost you?xx
To be honest I never even contemplated the thought of an uplift, I know a few girls on here were borderline needing one and had been told an implant alone may be able to help but the surgeon will go through all that with you. They take some measurements (think the distance between collarbone and nipple) and also the position of the nipple in relation to the crease under your boobs.
I’m having mine done 21st Oct and paying
thats a really good price, did you get a late space discount? are you having unders or overs? wich gives a more natural look?xx
Oops sorry hun, just read my message back, I meant to say
Hi Helen s, I have had one child but am 40 and have dieted loads since very young so they are a saggy C – (I am 5ft 4 and weigh 9.4. I knew they were saggy but I didn’t think they were saggy enough for an uplift, however i saw Mr Adamo and he said if I wanted round (which I didn’t) I would need an uplift. I wanted the most natural look and not too big and he recommended teardrop overs because I had enough breast tissue. He did recommend a rather larger than I wanted 360-385 (which made me slighlty concerned). This would have taken me to a D – he says – but I reckon that would have made me at least an E. I did the rice test at home and had to have a rethink on the size. It all depends on your shape and boobs really – its individual assessment.
I really wanted teardrops to start with – but there are reports out there that are a bit scarey. I am also rethinking not going with MYA as I have found somewhere reputable and cheaper but in Europe (half the price) I don’t mind getting on a
Hi Clark in reference to going abroad myonly thought are if you need after care you ll have to keep travelling which could be not only costly but also hard when you have family commitments xxxx
Maybe I’m being optomistic, and hopefully there won’t be complications, but the place I am looking at has a clinic in London as well, so not too worried…………..x good luck with your decision……x
hi im having my 1st consultation on thursday. ive had 2 children and gone from an a cup to an e while pregnant then down to an a/b cup. they are now very empty with lots of exess skin. does anyone know if implants will lift them by much. i cant afford an uplift aswell. i want natural looking boobs maybe a dd. any advice would be great.xx
thanks rio. hi clark, i read somewhere that if the distance between collarbone and nipple is over 21cm then an uplift may be necessary, i think mine is about 18cm so im hopefull that i wont need an uplift. was interested in the teardrop shape too, do you know if these are more expensive?xx
I thought i needed an uplift im an empty b now was also an e while pregnant having 410cc overs was so pleased as uplift is expensive . They are costing 3350 used discount voucher an having a day case all booked for 21 oct cant wait x
hi claire, did you get late space discount or was it a competion voucher.xx
For Julsp – it comes up under that – but they have their own website Elyzea clinic – google it……x
HI clark I have googled it and im amazed plus aftercare etc here so i really have no reservations checking that out if uk proves to costly so thanks xxxx
Hi helen no i dint do late space its not guaranteed 500 discount . i went on http://www.breastenlargementdiscounts .co.uk hope this helps x
hi helen s im also have empty saggy breasts and i have booked mine through leeds clinic, you need to see mr kazzazi he is doing mine, doing a low profile under the muscle on a 435 to fill out the saggy tissue.. my co ordinator said he is the man for me as mr mardi the other surgeon would prob of mentioned an uplift, which i do not want, its also alot more money.. so check who you are seeing..x
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