Anyone Had/Having 450cc overs? Started by: Hollie

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  • Hollie 30

    I am having 450cc overs and i feel like the only person on here having them that big! lol
    I am currently 34c, 5ft 5″ and 74kg

    if anyone has any before and after pics it’d be greatly appreciated!!

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    Donna 8

    Hi Hollie, I’m 5ft 5inches, 70kg and was a 36B before my BA. I have 500cc over the muscle and love them, I’m only 3 weeks in so haven’t been measured yet. My new breast fit my frame perfectly and look natural ( I have moderate profile) going by your height and weight they will look fantastic girl.

    Hollie 30

    Ahh that’s good to finally see someone with similar stats to me! yours look great just by seeing your profile picture! ๐Ÿ™‚
    ahh i’m really looking forward to it now ๐Ÿ™‚
    how long until you were able to drive (if you do drive)
    and also how did you feel 2 weeks after? – cause it’ll be christmas 2 weeks after my surgery

    Donna 8

    I booked 2 weeks off work but was fine after a week, I just made sure I didn’t lift anything heavy. I was driving on day 10 and did find it weird because my seat belt fitted differently lol turning the wheel full lock was hard and also getting the seat belt due to stretching back. I didn’t have pain and only took pain killers for 2 days. Just remember to take it easy and no stretching.

    Gina 47

    I’m around the same stats as you if u wanna check out my pics on my profile xx

    Hollie 30

    Ah that’s good ! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad it’s not a long recovery process !
    Ah yes I can imagine that’s probably a weird feeling, I’ll just take it easy then when driving ๐Ÿ™‚
    Ah wow only 2 days of painkillers, hope I’m like that! Haha

    ยท – thankyou! You have nearly exactly the same stats as me!! So very interesting to see your pics! Were you 450 cc ?

    Gina 47

    Yeah I had 450 cc overs and I now measure 34e! Feel free to message me n I’ll send you pics or whatever u need ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Hollie 30

    Ahh brilliant! ๐Ÿ˜€ that’s what I’d like to be
    That’d be great if you could send me pictures, thanks!

    Claire 19

    I’m 9 weeks post op and have the same stats as you I now measure a F but they don’t look as big as that I love mine

    Claire 19


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    Hollie 30

    @claire040690 ยท Wow !! Yours look amazing! I hope mine turn out like that haha
    Cannot wait for mine now, just over 2 weeks
    Does the time go quickly? Xx

    alice 42

    I had 450cc & 500cc from a 34C and now a 30GG x

    alice 42

    9 weeks post op x
    5’8 size 10

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    Hollie 30

    @alicem – oh wow! a GG , thats what i’d like to be haha
    I watched your videos on youtube, made me laugh after your op when you were drugged up ๐Ÿ˜€ yours look amazing!

    Gina 47

    No probs! X

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    Hi Hollie, I had 450 HP Overs from a small B and I’m 6 weeks post op and measuring 34F. Feel free to have a look at my photos on my profile x

    Hollie 30

    @ginamartonexo oh my god yours are so nice!! So excited now, been wanting this for 10 years !
    Ahh brilliant @natharvs – yours look amazing too! ๐Ÿ˜€ LOVE your tattoo by the way <3

    Georgxx 3

    I am 4 weeks post op and similar stats. I had 460 HP overs xx

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    Ali 25

    @holliebaker This is all so exciting as I’m having 450 overs too! I was meant to have the op in the summer but it had to be postponed and I can’t wait to have it done now! I’m not worried about the op or anything like that at the moment, I’m just concerned that I will not be able to get through Christmas Day at my boyfriends mums house without it showing! I’ve decided to only tell a few people so I’m not saying anything to his family and I’m worried that at 6 days post op I may not be able to hide my pain and the new girls during an overnight stay! Going to have to come up with some cover story! Ha ha xx

    Hollie 30

    @allybongo – yaaay! i love it when i find someone having the same as me ๐Ÿ™‚
    ahh really! i’d be so upset if i had to postpone mine ๐Ÿ™ , yeah im worried about Christmas too – not about anyone noticing, but because i am cooking the roast! haha, my nurse said as long as you don’t lift a big turkey out the oven then you’ll be fine haha
    oh gosh really, Yes i usually go to my partners mum’s as well! but having it at mine this year with just mum and sister and they both know about it ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yes it could be quite difficult to hide from people especially when sleeping over as well, My partner told his mum yesterday and she’s the typical person to be very judgemental of it but then was ok and said to him ‘dont tell hollie but im gonna get her a boux avenue voucher for xmas’ haha!! :’)
    hope it goes alright for you! i can let you know how it goes after ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ali 25

    @holliebaker yes I will be following your progress very closely! I don’t think my boyfriends mum would be so understanding – she is totally of the wrong generation! Ha ha! Boyfriend says I will have to say I’ve cricked my neck or something, hence why I am not up for hugs! Ha! No idea what will happen….will also have to smuggle in all my v shaped pillows!

    Hollie 30

    Yes it’ll be good to look at my progress cause we will be having the same thing, what size are you at the moment?
    Yes i actually didn’t think my boyfriends mum would be understanding, in fact she’s the very last person i thought ! but pleased she’s ok with it haha
    yess! good idea, i am sure it wont be too difficult to convince them it’s somthing else ๐Ÿ˜‰
    the v pillows should be ok cause a lot of people just have them in general, hoping no one finds out haha, are you prepared to tell them if they do? x
    Also do you have facebook or anything? i could also update you on there with my progress ๐Ÿ™‚ x

    Ali 25

    I’m a 36b at the mo. Small b too! My first date had to be delayed as I had to have emergency surgery on my leg (I had to have my Achilles operated on) so I had to prioritise – begrudgingly! I may be able to somehow blame my leg issues on being lame over Christmas….hopefully that will come in handy?!
    I’m more on Instagram than Facebook these days to be honest…what about you?
    I will tell them if I have to, but reckon that would lead to one very awkward Christmas dinner! Ha! I will just see what happens.

    Hollie 30

    Ahh so you’ll get a good size then afterwards, having 450cc ๐Ÿ™‚
    Ohh I see! That sounds painful ๐Ÿ™ yes obviously that is more important, although it may feel like the boobs are just as much a priority!!
    Yes that could come in handy blaming it on that haha!
    Ah I see, okay then, may I follow you on instagram? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yes very true! Wouldn’t exactly bE an ideal time to come out with it lol!

    Ali 25

    @holliebaker I just requested to follow you on Instagram. I don’t have a BA instagram though!

    Ali 25

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    @holliebaker I just requested to follow you on Instagram. I don’t have a BA instagram though! I’m actually hoping that I’m not too big after the op. My surgeon says that as I’m so broad and I have breast tissue already, the mod plus implant shouldn’t be too huge. I really only want a DD, but think they will be bigger (which is a scary thought!). I really don’t want giant boobs I just want better shape and fullness X

    Hollie 30

    I have followed you back @allybongo ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s probably a good idea to make one cause then you can post your pics with out any family or friends seeing all the semi naked pics haha
    Yes I don’t want to be too big either, just enough to proportion my hips and legs with my upper half!! I have a lot of breast tissue apparently as well, that’s obviously why we’re having overs! ๐Ÿ™‚
    My surgeon said I’ll be either a DD or E! Hopefully nothing more haha

    Hannah 3

    I’m having 450cc super high profile overs on the 12th December. Not sure whether they’re going to take me too big that’s all or whether they’ll suit my relatively large frame okay. I’m currently a 38A with large ribs and want to get to around a size D- really just don’t want to end up too big and fake and just want something that looks natural and proportional


    I have 450cc high profile but partials and they aren’t too big! X

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    Hollie 30

    Yours look so nice Whitney!! ๐Ÿ˜€ hope mine are that size ๐Ÿ™‚

    Laura 2

    I’m meeting dr traynor on Monday and hoping for 450. The pics I’ve seen look great. Looking good girls ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

    carly 1

    Hi girls all looking amazing! Whitney we are of the same stats, and I’m having 450cc what size are you now and and what bra size was you before please?

    Cathy 16

    Im booked in for 450 in aug

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