Anyone know surgeons that do 800ccs plus in UK please? Started by: Louise Briggs-Jones

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    Can anyone help suggest a good BA surgeon who would do above 800ccs. I’m really struggling to find a surgeon for my 3rd BA. Got 600cc overs currently and wanting approx. 1000ccs next time and can’t find anyone in UK to do them, they all stop at 800ccs and I’m ideally not wanting to go abroad for them doing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    sorry I can’t be much help but I found a few Mya forums from 2013 from people who had 1000cc and up from a surgeon called Mr Singh he must have worked at Mya back then not sure if he’s there now as I’m not with Mya I’m with a different company xx

    Shannon 19

    Any reputable surgeon likely wouldn’t do over 800cc’s. The risk of thinning tissue, sagging, neck and back pain becomes much greater, as does the need for revision. The implants would also need to be custom made xx


    Thank you for asking this! I am currently looking for a surgeon that does 800cc x


    If over 800cc isn’t allowed, do you girls know any surgeons that do 800?

    Dee -14

    Dr Frati does 800 I believe

    Courtney 2

    I’m sure it’s now illegal to do anything more than 800cc in the UK and that’s why they all stop there, I could be wrong though

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