Anyone similar to me? Started by: Monica

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  • Monica 25

    Hello everyone, I’m new to the forum. I’m awaiting a call from MYA to go through a consultation as I’ve wanted breast enlargement since they stopped growing late teens tbh! (Im 25 now). Was wondering if any girls are similar shape to me and what did you have done? Pics would be great!

    I’m petite 5’3, size 6/8, 34B. Tbh I don’t even wear bras anymore as I hate how my boobs look in them ? I’m also Asian so not curvy very straight body type. Thanks x

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Monica 25.
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    Hey! You sound exactly the same as me.. I’m 25, 5’4 & roughly 9stone 4lbs. I’m 4 days post op & went for 275cc over the muscle 🙂

    So pleased I stuck to my guns and went for a smaller implant. I like being petite in clothing but hated how flat my Chester was, so want a discreet/natural look & to be comfortable in underwear/naked.

    Went with Dr Mounir – have had barely any pain just slight discomfort and sleepy (but that’s nothing is it).

    Will get some pictures once I’m a little more heeled. EXCITED FOR YOU! 🙂

    Monica 25

    Ah amazing yes you are just like me and what I want from the surgery something natural and enough for me to feel confident naked! Can’t wait to see pics, wish you a speedy recovery!! Don’t know if I can ask but rounded up how much?

    Vanessa 5

    Hey, I’m half Asian. Same body type as you, 5’3 8.4stone, size 6/8 clothes. I’m 28.
    I was offered 300 and 325 and I asked for a natural size. I’m worried that 325 is going to be too big but everywhere I look people say go for the biggest size offered. I’m not too sure what to do!

    Ba2019 13

    Hey I’m 5ft3 size 6 was 30AA before and had 275cc hp under muscle. I’m 8 weeks now but still waiting for one breast to drop so they look a bit uneven in the picture.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Ba2019 13.
    Monica 25

    Oh no! Do you have a pic of the uneveness? I hope they do settle even after 8 weeks!

    Ba2019 13

    My surgeon said my muscles are really tight and it can take up to a year for them to fully settle so just got to be patient with the healing time Xxx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Ba2019 13.
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    Ba2019 13

    Here’s another it it loads xx

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    Georgina 5

    I had my surgery back in October and this forum literally helped me through it. I had similar concerns cause i was so skinny and was previously rejected by another company cause my Bmi was too low. I ended up having 275cc (which is small and the most he would do) and am now a 30E. Xx

    Georgina 5

    Tried to upload a picture but wouldnt let me

    Monica 25

    Wow they look amazing! 275cc is a nice size too. Aww that’s a long wait but hopefully after a year they will be what you’ve dreamed of! I’m getting more excited now booked my consultation next Wednesday xx

    Georgia 5

    Hey I am 5’1 size 4/6 really petite I was about 32/A before I am nearly 4 weeks post op and I had 350cc and 375cc overs and I wanted a really natural look and they are a really nice size not to big or small with my small frame xx

    Mads 3

    Hiya! I am a size 4, and about 7 stone 8, Bra size 32B. I choose 300cc HP overs, I was offered 325 too but that would’ve taken me to a bigger size and I thought it was too big as I am only petite so I didn’t want them to look to big! xxx

    Messenger 1

    I was 32C, small D I had 240cc round moderate plus unders, this was taken at 15 days post opp

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    Clare K 22

    Hey, check out my insta page, I had similar stats 34b, I had 400cc over HP and now 32ff.
    My insta profile is mya_31.01.19

    I have pictures on their through out the journey and up to the present day.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Clare K 22.
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    AmyG 3

    I’m 5 ft 4, Size 8, Was a 34B and had 375cc HP mentor round implants and am now 30FF/32DDD
    I’ve just had a baby though and breastfed so am wanting another BA within the next year.

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    Sin 10

    I”m 5’3″ size 4/6 weigh 7st 1lb was 32B, just had 400cc hp mentor round silicon overs on the 9th so im 8 days post op. still loads of swelling so no idea what size ill finish with but currently measuring a g cup, was told i’ll prob be an E cup once all swelling is gone.

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