As above I want and need to get this done. Iv put on so much weight since having my boobs done
I want info on how much you paid. What areas you had it done on. Recovery times and what type Lipo you had done
I love my boobs. But hate my horrible body. I wish I had a nice body for my boobs to look amazing
Hey hun I had laser lipo done
I paid £3045 for upper and lower abs
not sure on prices on other areas.
I was back to normal same day as only done under local
Although due to bruising I felt like a horse had kicked me for a few days when
I went to get up off of the sofa haha
But take the cocodamol they give u for any pain afters
I will say with laser though be prepared to leak! hha
as during the procedure they use water to assist with the laser
Although u see a ifference pretty much next day
Final results can take up to 6 months to be fully seen due to swelling
an the rest of the water leaving your body haha
Hpe this helps?
Hi Zera6666,
Have you seen our blog article about ex Towie star Maria Fowler? She has just had Vaser liposuction with MYA surgeon Dr Grant Hamlet. You can also watch Grant on BBC 3 at 9pm tonight on ‘Inside the body beautiful’ .
Let me know if you would like a patient advisor to call you for more information.
Many thanks
MYA Mod x
She looks amazing. Her before pic is how I look and I hate it
So maybe it vaser that I need.
Hi Zeera,
I had traditional lipo on my stomach at the same time i had my ba which was around the same time as you. I have not been happy with it since the bruising went down. I have been back to see Mr Singh and he simply said go away and try some exercise and come back around Christmas! To be fair for the pain i went through and the expense i might as well not have bothered. I have been going to the gym and am going back to see him after New Year for another assessment, but i am sure it won’t get corrected which is really upsetting and annoying. My boobs however look superb xx
Hi greevek
I am sorry to see this. Please message me your full name and PC’s name and I will look into this.
Many thanks
MYA mod x
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