Anyone that has had surgery this month ? Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 4

    Hi girls just wondering if anyone has had surgery this month or is having it. Would really like to speak to girls about how they’re doing and stuff

    Anna 7

    hi hun! i had my op on the 9th happy to chat x

    Jodie 70

    Hi, had mine on the 8th my Instagram is Myagirl.8.4.19 if you want to follow progress x

    Claire 2

    I had mine 17th x
    Would be interesting to know how everyone is feeling, I’m still quite sore. Got my post op check later today x

    A 18

    Had mine on Monday! But I got this weird stinging pain around my incision area, and it’s mostly when I’m trying to get in and out of bed or standing up. It feels so weird like it’s going to pop open lol. Did anyone else experience this at all??

    Hayley 48

    I had mine on the 10th. I’ve not been too bad but was woke up during the night with an awful pain that seemed to get worse so I’ve had next to no sleep xx

    Donna Bowen 11

    Had mine recently my insta is ba22042019

    Lisa t 35

    Had mine on the 15th x


    I had mine on the 20th, my plasters are so itchy really annoying me now 🙁 x

    Amy Hughes -1

    Had mine on the 11th April. Anyone else?
    Still feel a bit bruised. And inner side of right boob feels sort of like something is moving/ or touching it. Like when your bra goes wrong and digs in. Not painful but weird!! Also have angry nipples from being in the tight bras so much.

    Ellie 23

    I had mine 1 day ago on the 24th April. I’d be interested to know how everyone felt this soon after the op? I’m quite swollen and sore to be honest, and the plasters are very itchy! Did you girls experience this too?

    Georgia 29

    I had mine on the 8th April, I have just got back to my normal self now and am feeling a lot better about the whole thing compared to the first week or so. Feel free to ask any questions x

    Barbara 54

    I had mine done on the 19.04. first days were very painful for me and I had to use my partners help all the time. Pain is almost gone, but tightness is crazy 🙁 when it goes away?
    I had 375cc unders if you have any questions 😉

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Barbara 54.

    Hi I just had my op yesterday. Happy to help with any questions if I can xx


    Hi all x I had overs on the 11th April and had my dressing and strapping off a week a go. They are still sore to the touch and my nipples are really sensitive still ! I’m glad about the nipples tho as I was worried I’d maybe lose sensation just hoping they calm down a bit. I’ve deffonately noticed my implants softening and almost getting bigger since the strapping went. I have one larger than the other and one has softened quicker but I’m trying not to be overly concerned at this point and tbh I think it’s more that I’m over analysing them. I’m 2.5 weeks po and had limited pain and discomfort anyway but would say that I feel more my usual self this week ?

    Jodie 70

    @amyhughes I also have this! I’m 3weeks po tomorrow. It’s driving me crazy my left feels like I’ve had it forever my right is the Same as yours! Hope it passes soon!

    Jade 4

    I’d be interested in starting a WhatsApp group chat if anyone’s interested to share all experiences?

    Claire 2

    Yeah I’m up for joining the group 07581 398029
    A lot easier to chat than logging in on here and finding posts all the time! X

    Donna Bowen 11

    I’m up for joining the group x


    Hey ladies I had surgery on the 14th April. Does anyone know when I can use a sunbed or tan again. I’m so pale ? xx

    Georgia 29

    @sarahplews89 I started putting fake tan on at about day 10. You just can’t put it anywhere near the incisions and I used one that you don’t need to wash off so no guide colour would run from my neck into my incisions in the shower! My nurse told me at my two week post op that I could do that just nowhere near my incisions. As for sunbeds you definitely have to wait at least 6 weeks to go back on them as it could really damage incisions/scarring and your stretched skin xx

    Demi 17

    I’ve seen loads of people say there itching which I no is the healing process that’s what happens maybe try taking a allergy tablet to calm the itching down like piriton like hay fever stuff as it’s also for itchy bites and stuff worth ago x

    Holly 4

    Hi all
    I had surgery on Tuesday 30th
    I am not doing too bad for pain , but I feel a bit disappointed with the size.
    I had 400cc moderate plus over and I feel like there’s not much difference at all. I was 36B pre op so would’ve thought it’d be a big difference .. anyone else feel that their boobs are smaller than expected ?

    Claire 2

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    I’m just over 2 weeks post op today and for the last couple days keep getting g this weird feeling like my implant is moving in one boob ! Anyone else get this? Xx

    Sophie 1

    I’m almost certain I heard one implant move last weekend ? I’m nearly 2wpo now and I’m feeling good just my boobs feel very sensitive ( the left a lot more than the right) but I’m sure this is very normal.
    I’ve also been trying to go for a decent walk most days, as I’m going crazy about not going to the gym, and when I walk I’m sure I can feel them moving slightly ?

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