Anyone with 500cc Started by: Nicola

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  • Nicola 5

    Hey girls so my surgeon has offered me 500cc high profile implants anyone else with 500 can you please share your experience..
    I’m having doubts now.. I said I wanted to be a dd I’m a 34a now and he said 500 with definitely get me there just debating whether to go smaller.. help!!x

    salwa 22

    I’m 5’3 tiny waist but quite a big lower body from training etc.. I got offered 400cc max over the muscle it’s looked huge on me! I think it’s all on your stats! How tall are you? Xx

    Nicola 5

    @salwa1996 I’m 5’4 pretty much the same as you.. But I have broad shoulders so my frame is bigger x

    salwa 22

    Did you try them on! Best way really! I thought if I tried 500 I’d loom stupid :/ lol don’t wanna come out with boob greed! Are you going under? X

    salwa 22

    Partial take it! I was worried that 400cc looked big but tbh I’m worried they look smaller under the skin! I think u can change ur mind on operation day! But partials I think look a bit smaller when partially under the muslce so I would take it!

    He said I can have only have overs they look a bit more fake Deffo take the 500’s! Or if your worried go for fully under or ask for 450 x

    Nicola 5

    I know it’s so confusing just don’t want them to be too small and then wish I had gone that bit bigger.. Yeah I’m going to go back try both sizes on again x

    Nicola 5

    @hayley-2 yeah I definitely trust him everyone seems to have really positive experiences which is reassuring, one month to go today:D thank you!xx

    Hayley 40

    Good luck hun 🙂 xx

    Amylouk 58

    Go with the 500cc hun. It’s only a shot glass and abit of worth of liquid so the difference will be minimal either way. I’m 5ft 3 and had 450cc over from a small 32C. I was offerered 500cc but have visions of this huge huge boobs! I went down to 450cc and I love them, measuring and E or F cup which is what I wanted, but 500cc would of been perfect too! Don’t panic about big numbers and trust your surgeon xx

    Nicola 5

    @amylouk yeah I saw the sizers and it was literally nothing in it.. Thank you that really helps and I added you hope you don’t mind xx

    Nicola 5

    There’s such little in it!! Mines the 29th we haven’t got long left to go 😀 course not accepted you xx

    Freya 70

    Hiya babe. I was a 34a and had 550 hp parcials. Ive just been measured today and I’m a 34F. Feel free to add I’ve got some pics up. Will put new ones up soon xx

    Nicola 5

    Thank you I added you now xx

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