anyone with saggy boobs who didnt need an uplift? xxx Started by: natalie

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  • natalie

    hey can anyone help me?? i went for a consultation at transform last week and was told because my boobs are saggy (after having 2 children) i would need an uplift and the biggest implants i could have would be 410cc. i really wanted to go really big somewhere between 750-1000cc without an uplift. i decided to go for a consultation with mya as they seem to be the best when it comes to big boobs. but has anyone had saggy boobs and gone really big without an uplift?? . im sure its possible but the surgeon i see at transform didnt do uplifts as soon as he said i would need an uplift he literally sent me off on my way as he knew he couldnt do it. im so gutted because i didnt want to have an uplift let a lone go smaller than i already am. please help there must be someone whos been in this position before? xxx


    what sergeon did you see i had mine done at transform nearly 3 week ago x

    sillymilly 2

    That would be me hun 🙂 i was really surprised i didn’t need a up lift as well especially like yourself having two children. I think it was to do with my nipples being in a ok position but to me the boobs where hanging and sooo saggy i was shocked. My boobs now 9mts on are fab and much more natural than i ever could have expected really soft and squishy. I went from a 32B to 32F Mr T said if i had gone much bigger my nipples would have gone a lot to the sides as they don’t sit central !! i had 345cc and was offered much bigger but didn’t want them too big Xx


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    Hi i didn’t have a uplift , i have had 1 child and i have saggy boobs i went for 620cc to fill my very saggy 32D up ,
    Love Nat xx


    i went to maidstone transform i cant remember the name of the surgeon but he didnt do uplifts and said if i have a big implant its juts going to make my boobs lumpy :s my nipples are really point down apparently i didnt know they was that bad felt quite bad after coming out of the consultation lol. nat what size are you now?


    The problem with that is alot of surgeons won’t e happy to go that big due to the high risk of you sagging and stuff! See a few surgeons and see what they say. I need an uplift and was told the biggest I can have is 395 but that’s fine by me! Xx


    Hey i am not sure yet i have 34G sports bra on , i had Dr Singh xx


    I also went to transform they were rubbish i really didn’t want an uplift they said they would only do an uplift on me so i went to mya xx


    I got a feeling transform just try and get as much money out of people as possible I also asked them about a bit of botox in my frown line between my eyes she said I need to think about the crows feet too I’m only 26 I wernt aware I had crows feet haha. I think I will go to mya and give them a go as I really can’t have an uplift with my job. Xx

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