Anyone with the same sort of experience? Started by: Sammi

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  • Sammi 6

    Hi I have booked my initial consultation for implants.

    My story is a bit long but il try make it short as poss!.
    So originally I had tubular breast and had expanders put in with the nhs , the left side got an infection so replaced that with an implant then it went capsular so had it replaced(still doesn’t look a good shape at all) the right side still has an expander which has leaked completely (considering they were meant to be replaced from expanders to implants within the year and my very first operation was 2009).
    I am on the waiting list for nhs but I would rather pay and go private.
    Any been in this sort of situation and had good results? I’m fed up of boobs that look awful and I just want to look normal! Xx

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