anyones a care assistant? Started by: sadie w

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  • sadie w

    hi! I’m currently reaserching about breast enlargements, im 30 5ft8 and I’ve had 3 babies and lost 8st! im not really qorried about anything other than going vack to work after having the op, im a care assistant and i know its a very hands on job! can anyone out there tell me there experience please how long did it take to go back to a heavy job.

    Rali 41

    I think you should wait full 6 weeks to recover completely. That’s what I have been told. Currently I am post surgery 6th day and the nurse called me to check up if I am OK and she reminded me to do not lift anything and she said after 6 weeks you can lift a child for example.

    Becca 168

    It may be possible for you to return to work on light duties only after just a couple of weeks but you will need to tell your employer that you can’t do anything heavy for the first six weeks. Normally in my job I travel around to different hospitals to go to meetings and carry a heavy laptop with me but I won’t be doing this for six weeks, just office duties only!

    Jamie 55

    I’m a palliative care support worker, my first BA last year I had three weeks off work I had such an easy recovery and I struggled the first two weeks going back, everything ached and the moving of patients was difficult but I made sure I had a high impact post op bra. I’ve just had my second BA as I needed pockets readjusting and I honestly think I’m going to need longer than three weeks this time, take as long as you can get off xx

    Megan 57

    I’m a care worker, a lot of hoisting and rolling people etc. My op is booked for the 27th of January and my consultant told me 3 weeks off work and then to do light duties once I go back (not always possible when working in care). But I’m just gonna go back part time and take it as easy as I can and have more time off if need be! Talk with your managers and see if you could do a lighter run once you go back to work?

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