Hi all, I have wanted a boob job for years and now, after my fourth breastfed child, I feel the time is right.My hubby will be paying as I haven’t worked for past two years and I do feel very guilty about spending the money on myself when I have four kids,3 of which aren’t my husbands, and my hubby isn’t too keen on me getting them done.I am extremely miserable at the mo, hate my breasts and won’t let my hubby close to me because of it so our sex life is non-existant.My family are also against it as they think it won’t make me happy as I criticise everything else about myself-and yes I would get lipo ,botox,dentistry and a nose job if had the money but we haven’t so i can’t but I desperately want by old boobs back!Anyone else had loved ones against their decision to get surgery and what happened when you went ahead?Thank you for advice and thoughts on this matter,Sonia