April dates – 350 too big for natural look?? Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 3

    Hiya I’m having my surgery on 25th April, and I have chosen to go for 350cc under the muscle. I’m a 34B and really worried that this will be too big as I really want a natural look?


    I’m the same!! I’m booked in for 5th May and really can’t decide between 325cc or 350cc. I am a 32b now

    Bee 42

    Go for 350cc as you lose about 25cc by going under the muscle. Depends what size you want to end up as? For reference, I was a 34b/c before surgery and now I think I’m measuring a D. I had 300cc overs and wish I pushed for bigger xx

    Lauren 3

    I really liked the 325cc when I tried them on but wanted a little bigger. When I tried 350 on I felt like it was too big and they just felt heavy!! The surgeon did say that they would settle to about 325cc after a year if I had 350. Such a big decision to make xx

    Sophie 17

    Hey Lauren deffo go for the biggest as you lose some cc going under the muscle and they look smaller once they’re in compared to when you try them on. I was originally planning for 300cc Max and ended up having 375cc but I’m so glad I love them! Still look super natural too xx

    Leila 62

    Hey Lauren. Go bigger, I had 305cc and I wanted natural but they are almost too natural 😩 no one’s even noticed I’ve had them done which is annoying. They look a decent size in a padded push up bra but kind of feels like that defeats the purpose of getting a boob job. I am not flat chested anymore but I still have small boobs with 305. X

    CharlotteTL 22

    I think everyone’s idea of the “natural look” is different for everyone.

    I wanted a natural look and had mine done over 3 years ago now and I only had something like 225cc and went from a 32AA to now a 32 D

    If you’re already a B then I’d say go for the smaller option if you don’t want them to be too big 🙂

    Lauren 3

    Thanks girls! I might spend some photos of what I like to my surgeon to see what would be the better option. I know everyone’s will look different but it might be better for him to see what I want. I have herd to go bigger as I might have boob greed after haha. I would like to be a D cup no bigger xx

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