Arnica Started by: Dazzelea

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  • Dazzelea 92

    I’ve been taking arnica like they said but my face feels dry since starting any one else had this x

    Stacey 30

    Yes!!! I am so glad u said this! Iv been taking arnica for a week and thismorn was the first time I managed to get dressed and put some make up on but my skin was awful to apply make up to!! X

    Dazzelea 92

    My face feels tight and look horrid lol so glad it’s not just me then lol . I ain’t even gonna attempt to put makeup on I no it won’t go right .op on Monday just chilling .well trying too x

    Anca Matei 25

    Hello girls, i dont think is arnica because i didnt Take them or nothing similar only paracetamol and still my face and legs are Soo dry …i think is the GA and the painkillers ..i have been sugested to ask GP for full blood count test to see How all the levels are. Xx

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