Asymmetry 4 weeks post op? Started by: HannahB90

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    I had my surgery 4 weeks ago today, I I wasn’t told pre op that I required different size implants so I was surprised to hear I got one 250cc and one 275cc. When I first got them done they were very high and swollen but when they settled I could see a difference in sizes but thought I needed to trust the process and wait. Last week I loved them and couldn’t have been happier (3 weeks po).
    This week I can’t stand to even look at them, one is bigger than the other and the smaller one is misshapen and looks far smaller than I imagined them being. I’m trying to stay positive and hope it gets bigger and they match when they drop and fluff but I’m so worried!

    Christine 27

    Hi Hannah, I can see a difference in mine too which I noticed immediately after. I knew I had slight asymmetry beforehand and he said it was so slight he wouldn’t use different sizes. It’s probably tiny and not noticeable to other people but I see it looking down. I wish the surgeon had used a smaller size in both to begin with and then one slightly smaller again in my bigger one. I reached out to him this week to ask if they will get any smaller as I don’t like the size and he said they will by the time I see him at 12 weeks. Still plenty of dropping and softening to go he said but it’s so hard to imagine the end result. I feel like I expected to just love them but feel like I am more down than up and questioning my decision. Be interested to hear what others have to say but expect it will be the same, patients is required. Hope you’re ok xx


    It’s such a long wait to know if we are going to be happy or not! Which surgeon did you have? I will post a photo of mine if it works, I know they’ll definitely say I need to wait for the ‘drop and fluff’ but considering the surgeon measured them himself and different sizes weren’t mentioned at all, I find it so strange, especially if your surgeon mentioned a difference before hand and said what he said? I didn’t notice a size difference before I had them done but now an obvious one and it’s obvious to look at too 🙁 feel so sad and nervous! In pictures it’s definitely not as obvious as it is in real life. I’ve got an apt with my nurse 3rd august but I don’t know what to really do! Hope you’re feeling ok, it’s stressful isn’t it after all this to have to worry 😔xx


    It won’t let me upload a photo for some reason. In pictures they don’t look as bad as real life though; I showed my friend properly and she then understood what I meant. I don’t know why I wouldn’t be told why I had two different sizes?! We are really self critical as women though and I bet they look far better than we think they do xxxx

    Christine 27

    I used a local surgeon rather than through Mya. I knew my left was bigger than my right so wasn’t surprised when he mentioned it but wondered if he should be using two different sizes. Weirdly they seem to have switched today and my bigger one looks smaller lol could be hormones I suppose. You may still have fluid around them too so that could explain why they look different irrespective of the different sizes. I’m almost at week 6 and they are still quite tender so I’m sure I still have some swelling while the pocket heals. Fingers crossed we like them when we reach the end result! xx

    Jasmin 17

    At 6 weeks post op you’re still dealing with swelling & all sorts. They will change continuously over the next 6 months to a year! Please don’t feel discouraged at this Early stage of healing. It can be hard, but trust the process.. I’ve had my implants for nearly 3 years now xx

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Jasmin 17.

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