At Preston now waiting eeeekk!! Started by: Sal

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    I think I might try it I just can’t bring myself to try and change them right now! I can’t believe the size of mine this morning they look quite swollen to yesterday. Have you had a look? Xx


    Yeah I opened my bra to have a look and they feel really small to me but hopefully they will drop and fluff with them being partials. Do you like the size yours are? I’m really worried about stretch marks though cos I had a few from having my little ones, don’t want them to get worse xx


    Funny you should say that I had quite bad stretch marks on my boobs from having my daughter and they are was visible now implants are in so you might find the same with yours. Mine feel quite big but they will probably go down when they drop and fluff. My left is higher than my right xx


    Meant to say less visible


    I had mine done yesterday too with Dr Traynor, they ended up keeping me in overnight because I didn’t get into surgery until 4pm! Mine look really natural but I’m not Filling this DD sports bra properly so I think I’m a D, feeling the boob greed already lol, 380 overs from 34A. The staff here have been great xx


    How are you feeling Melissa? I have just come down for breakfast and omg they hurt a lot more for just sitting upright an walking lol xx


    Madeleine I feel like I can see my stretch marks more now 🙁 xx


    Hi Melissa how are you feeling? Were you ok with staying overnight? It was a long day yesterday I didn’t go down until 2!
    Sal it might just be where they’re a bit swollen I’m sure the stretch marks will fade xx


    Madeleine are you down for breakfast didn’t want to so go if it wasn’t you lol xx


    Say hi**


    Yeah I’m feeling okay thanks, feel a bit off balance when goin to the loo but not in any pain! How are you Madeleine and sal? The have me a sleeping pill last night but still couldn’t get to sleep til about 1 and kept waking up throughout the night! Very comfy though! I slept at the 45 degree angle rather than straight down. My boobs aren’t swollen! They’re smaller than I expected I think xx


    Good morning ladies, aww Melissa are you ok? The staff were lovely.

    I’ve not had a great nights sleep either. I kept waking up almost flat and struggled to get up. My left side is fine but I had a bigger implant in my right and it’s severely swollen and really feels bruised. I had some more painkillers at 4 am they knocked me out for a bit. I have a shock absorber bra on and not sure if this is helping as its so tight. I have an Asda one I might swap it for. Going to ring the nurse in a bit as I’m a bit concerned over my right and ask if I can take arnica for the bruising.


    Yeah I’m okay thank you Lisa! Are you okay? The extra support will probably be helping them, mines a bit too loose! I’ve just put some pics up of mine before and after xx


    I’ve just added you if you don’t mind. Ill get some pics up later xx

    Yes feeling ok just a bit sore on my right. Going to get an ice pack on again soon.


    No that’s fine 🙂 x


    Melissa glad your not feeling too bad and lisa I hope your are feeling better soon. I didn’t have a good night sleep either I’m used to sleeping on my tummy so it’s a bit of a change. Can’t believe it’s all done and we now have our boobs 😀 xx


    Melissa they are looking fab.

    Thanks sal. I’m also a tummy sleeper.


    Aww it’s very exciting just can’t wait for the 6 week + mark now. Hope you all have safe journeys home. You’ll feel miles better when you get there and can chill out xx


    Thanks Lisa!! I always sleep on my back so I’m surprised I couldn’t sleep last night! I know can’t believe we have our boobs :)! Amazing! Xx


    So I’m in the car on way home- not the most comfortae journey I’ve ever bad I’m now starting to resent the macom! I have the asda front fasten post op bra but it’s hard to clip it up everytime I get one in another pings out! Are you all taking painkillers every 2-4 hours? Xx


    I think you can only take 8 in 24 hours but I feel like its not enough so going to take inbrufen in between. Did you get antibiotics aswell? R bless its a long drive back isn’t it. I came back to bed after breakfast going to set back off to newcastle about 11. Yeah the bras a bit of a pain but when it’s on it doesn’t come undone. My insitions have started stinging now too. I hope you have an ok journey back home Hun, did you see my message abou breakfast the page before? Wasn’t sure if it was you or not xx


    Ah no I didn’t see it but I went for breakfast straight away at half6 and I’m home now not sure if if would’ve been me. I’m taking the pain meds with ibuprofen in between. I had to go to a chemist last night to get antibiotics I was allergic to the ones at the hospital. Hope your journey back is ok. Not much of a shock but it’s raining here in newcastle haha xx


    Ah it must not of been you. We’re on our way back now, no surprise that its raining lol. It was lush in Preston yesterday total beer garden weather lol. How are you feeling now? Xx


    Im quite sore now I think it’s where I didn’t get much sleep. It’s my incisions that hurt the most and the tops of my arms. I’m not moving for the rest of the day now? Are you feeling better? Xx


    Aww bless you, it will be worth it though, the next few days will be the worst and then hopefully we will all have fast recoveries. I’m still on my way home, very uncomfortable can’t wait for my bed 🙂 xx

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