At what point do you apply for finance? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls just wondering what point of the process is beat to apply for finance? Ive had initial consultation and hav apt with surgeon on 30th nov…. Really worried about getting accepted for finance and wondering when i should apply? If i was to apply to early could i back out and change my mind or once you apply is that final?? Im confused! Help xx

    Lauren 34

    I didn’t apply for finance until I booked my operation.. My PC sent me a link and you fill out information etc and it literally takes 2 minutes for it to tell you whether you have been accepted or not, it’s really straightforward xx


    Thanks lauren i have been sent th link and was considering applying now before i have even seen the surgeon… Do you think thats a bad idea? Im just worried i get to the point of booking my surgery and get rejected for finance xx

    Lyndsey 42

    I’d do it now to check. You have a 7 day cooling off period after having seen the surgeon for a full refund I believe x


    Thanks for advice lyndsey so does the cooling off period mean if i decide not to go ahead i can cancel finiance agreement without any charge? Xx

    Lauren 34

    That’s okay, no I don’t think it’s a bad idea.. I’m sure you can apply for it without actually committing to it anyway because I don’t think anything becomes final until you put down your deposit and book your operation and payments don’t actually come out until a month after your operation date, not the date you put the deposit down or book it and you can’t have the operation before you put down a deposit anyway.. I mean you could double check with your PC anyway just in case but I’m sure you can xx

    Jay 36

    Hi Lisa, you can go through the finance process to see if you’d be accepted them just not pay the deposit till later. I did mine after my consultation but then didn’t complete it and pay the deposit until a month later to secure my operation date x

    Jodie 43

    @mrssheppard2be I’d say definitely do the finance application and see if you get accepted, it’s only an application to see whether you’ll be allowed to go through finance or not. If you get rejected you’ll need a backup plan so it’s better sooner rather than later. I got declined so I went through my boyfriends name and I’ll just pay him back every month x

    Katrina 18

    I wouldn’t apply till a 2 weeks or so before…I did however put a deposit of £1000 down…then paid half the remaining amount by card and rest by finance on 10 month option x

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