I went for my first consultation and was told I’d probably need an uplift, I was absolutely gutted and the thought of it really worried me. I just thought the bigger the implant would fill the empty space I have. After doing more research and meeting Mr Mounir I’m now fully confident in my decision to go ahead with the uplift and implant. Going ahead with a bigger implant will only cause further sagging and you’ll probably end up having an uplift at some point anyway. Although the thought of an anchor scar isn’t great I’d rather have that than live with the boobs I have now or risk paying out for surgery twice. Also add a few girls that have had an uplift and see if their pictures can re assure you. There’s a lady called babycee who had her uplift and implants with Mr Mounir and her scars 3 weeks post op were fantastic. Add me if you want my surgery is 11th May xx