BA age 49 breast fed 4 babies – anyone similar Started by: jacquie

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  • jacquie 2

    I am 49 had my last baby 20 years ago.
    I’m 5 foot 5, 8 stone 10, too thin, happy at 9 and 1/4 stone. Often around 9 stone 10
    I’m 33 inch round the ribs and current cup size maybe a b
    Goes to a generous c when a stone heavier
    My main issue is an empty top of the breast. And due to thinness lots of baggy skin.
    I am choosing between 250- 275 – 300 – 325 overs
    Moderate plus overs with Mr Traynor
    Don’t want bigger than a D but want the skin filled up! (it’s not elastic so much at my age)
    Any help ladies?

    Amy Parren 38

    Hi! I’m sorry I’m not much help i.e stats etc I’m much bigger/taller and heavier than you but we have one thing in common and that’s empty top breast fed boobs. I had my ba nearly 4 weeks ago. I was borderline uplift but just went for a BA and have a good result. They are dropping but everybody says they look quite real. They are changing a lot this week but I have lots of pictures on my profile so feel free to add me 🙂 xx

    Sam 13

    Hi I can totally understand breastfeeding lots of babies, I’ve always said I wouldn’t change that for the world and I loved every second of it, but now it’s my time! I personally didn’t want to look like I did when I was breastfeeding 34d-dd depending if I was full or not ? I’m planning on going bigger, everyone I speak to or blogs I read always say they wish they had gone bigger, and the difference between sizes is a tablespoon or two, my nurse said you lose about 5% even over the muscle, so take that into consideration as well ? I spoke to my husband about it and he has always been a boob man (why he married me who knows but 17 years later he still loves me!) he is so excited about the bigger size, and he said there is no point regretting not going bigger and needing a redo further down the line just because I didn’t go for it! Sorry to witter on xxxx

    jacquie 2

    I’ve requested to add you both.
    I feel quite like you Sam.
    What size are you going for?

    Sam 13

    I’m going for 520 or 560 cc high profile overs X booked in for 26th July, so think I’m down to 40 days (not that I’m counting lol) x

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