BA and uplift booked for March Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    I’m booked in for implants and uplift with Mr Giannis on 24th March. Just waiting for my consultation date but surgery is going to be at Welbeck. Is anyone else having surgery in the next couple of months? Which stage is everyone at? I can’t wait for my consultation! How has everyone else’s consultations gone?


    I am booked at same hospital for 22nd March for mastopexy with BA… so nervous but also excited!!!


    I know, I am SO excited but then I worry about the recovery 😬 do you have far to travel to the hospital? Have you had your surgeon consultation yet? I’m looking forward to having mine!


    Hi ladies I am booked in for 26th March for BA & Mastopexy with Mr Mileto. I have my consultation on Thursday! V nervous!!!!


    Hi Anna! How did you get on at your consultation? Mine is on Tuesday, I’m nervous but so excited!

    Hannah 2

    I’ve got my surgery for BA tomorrow!!! Admission time 7am at welbeck im so excited 😁🙈


    Hi Hannah! How are you feeling? I hope everything went well, so excited for you!


    Hey Hannah I hope all went well and you are not in too much pain
    I had my initial cons booked with mr mileto, but he was off sick so my app was rearranged.
    I had my consult with mr Giannas.
    I’m about 1.5hrs on train, but hoping hubby can collect me the following day as I’m needing to stay overnight.
    Booked for March 22 & kids break up f ok hols so
    Hoping pain is manageable so I can hide it from them. Don’t want everyone knowing so going to say I’m poorly… but op is just under 2weeks before bday so I need a good excuse!


    Do they tell you at your consult if it will be an overnight stay? How old are your children? Mine are 12 and 15 so I have two helpers more than anything. Does your husband have any time off with you? I’ve booked two weeks off work, but I work in a nursery so had to tell people so they can risk assess when I go back. I wonder what you can say for two weeks off….maybe some gastro thing? How long does food poisoning last, wonder if you could get away with that 🫣😂

    Bee 42

    Food poisoning doesn’t usually last that long, maybe a few days! I had two full weeks off work and then went back to working remotely after that. I wouldn’t have been able to do a physical job before 3 weeks even if it was just the office as you can’t drive for 2 weeks either which was so hard! 3 weeks would be the optimal time off before gradually easing back into things. They told me at my consult it would be an overnight stay and then it says ‘1 night’ etc in the paperwork you sign prior to the op xx


    My girls are 8, 5 & 1. He will have off the Saturday and Sunday and probably go back to work the Monday. My sister is going to stay and help out with the kids so hopefully it’s not too much as baby still needs lots of picking up and cuddles and lifting in and out of cot etc. it’s going to be a challenge!
    I might just say sciatica tbh. I suffer with my back anyway so that could leave me bed bound for a couple weeks.
    I have just arranged a meal for my birthday which will be 30th so 8days post op (wishful thinking over here!)
    The closer it’s getting the more nervous I am but also can’t wait to get in a bikini in July and show them off haha


    How did you get on? Xx


    I had my consult yesterday, Mr Giannas suggested either 300 or 325 and I’m happy with how they looked when I tried them on. It will be an overnight appointment, which I am grateful for. I’ve got my e-pre-op appointment on 23rd Feb….but it is less than 6 weeks until procedure now! My husband has the full week off, so I’m going to just take it really easy. I love reading, so I’ve got some books which will keep me busy! That is good that you have your husband for the weekend and that your sister will be around to help out! I haven’t told my siblings yet 😬 I told my Mum the other day though, she reacted better than I thought she would. Sciatica is a brilliant reason, good thinking! I think a meal out will be fine by day 8, it’s not too strenuous and you’ll probably be bored being cooped up! And everyone needs a nice birthday plan to look forward to. Agreed, looking forward to summer where I don’t feel like I need to wear all baggy clothes so no-one can see what’s hiding underneath 🫣


    I think that’s the same as he suggested for me, however said that he will use his judgement and n the day when trying on the “sizes” in theatre.
    My pre op is booked for that date also but I am needing to change it as have no childcare and can’t take little one with me so I’m waiting for the March slots to open up.
    I’m getting so nervous now about recovery!!! How are you feeling about it? Xx


    My pre-op is a virtual appointment, I’m just using a link? I had my vitals appointment on 14th an hour or so after my surgeon consult, got all those bits done the same day. I’m at Birmingham for my appointments like that, but I don’t think I go there again until after the procedure now. I feel nervous about the recovery……I am a real wimp when it comes to bruising, and I am AWFUL if I don’t sleep well 🫣 I’m going to get one of those wedge pillows though, and loads of people have recommended ice packs. Have you seen the boob bible thread? It’s from years ago, but gets bumped every so often. I did bump it recently but can’t seem to find it again unless I look at my recent posts. But I found that really useful. I need to go shopping and get some front opening clothes, I have next to nothing suitable in my wardrobe!xxx


    I haven’t seen that I’ll have to have a look tonight!
    I didn’t even think about clothing! Makes absolute sense though as you can’t lift arms. Omg this is gunna cost a lot in bras and clothes as well as the op itself!
    I am having a virtual app but I do need to go to get vitals done as I booked back in October/november. Tbh it’s a good job they didn’t do them then as I’ve put on 1.5st haha. Starving myself now to get back to size I was in time for summer!!
    I have a really high pain threshold but I’m a miserable bitch if I don’t get any or have broken sleep. Might do everyone a favour and book a hotel for a week pmsl xx


    Yeah, it’s quite good actually! Good tip about crossing your arms over when pulling up your trousers, apparently it takes the pressure off a bit 🤷 I know, it’s going to be so expensive 🫣 I’m still trying to lose the Christmas gain but now the Easter eggs are in the shops 🙄😂 I’ve just given my husband a fair warning that I’ll probably be a dick and that he’ll just have to put up with it for a week or so 😂 xxx

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