BA BOOKED!! July- smaller implants Started by: Beek01

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  • Beek01 11

    Hi ladies,

    Well after months of ummmming and aaaaaahing I have finally booked in for my BA on the 10th July! I’m sooooo excited!!

    Not entirely sure yet but thinking of going for 255cc and perhaps moderate plus implants…have been told I will need unders.

    I’m 5’8 (I think!!), 9st, size 8 (ish!) and currently 34a. Anyone else out there similar stats to me that have had or are due to have BA, please share pics and experiences!!

    So excited currently.. just hoping the nerves don’t appear!

    Beek01 11

    @jessicaloakes thank you Hun! I’m really buzzing atm, so lets hope I stay that way! I’m super squeamish, so can’t quite believe I’m actually going ahead with this!

    Wow you had ages to wait, bet that was a nightmare!! How are you feeling now? Hope you heal well. Would love you to share ur progress and any advice you have on the whole process.

    Iv really struggled with choosing what size to go for as I really don’t want to be very big; hoping for a full C… I’ve been going through all the posts about smaller implants trying to find someone with similar stats to see what size they’ve ended up as! My husband thinks I’ve gone completely boob mad cos I spend every evening on here trying to find pics!!

    Iv booked with a different company in Bromsgrove cos mya and a few other companies i went to all wanted to send me to London for the op which is hours away from where I live, so thankfully found somewhere closer! Xx

    Kirsty 23

    Hiya I am having smaller implants – a week tomorrow πŸ™‚ im having 275cc High Profile overs – im not as tall as you and im around a size 8-10 currently a 32 b – feel free to add me I will defo be posting pics to help the other girlies out there who are having/wanting smaller implants seems there’s not so many of us πŸ™‚
    Congrats on booking the op I have been counting down since the beginning of March only 7 days to go now, it comes round so fast before you know it,it will be July and youl be counting down the days rather than weeks. xx

    Beek01 11

    Eeep that’s so exciting @kirstykitten good luck for next week!! Out of interest, what made you go for high profile? I’m really torn whether to go for HP or the moderate plus ones… I’ve seen pics of both and my think they both look good, which has confused me!xx


    I know it felt like bloody ages to wait but honestly it came round soooo quickly. Can’t believe I’ve finally had them done. Just wanting the healing process to hurry up now so I can enjoy them ha ha.

    My boyfriend was exactly the same!! For like 4 months straight all I did was stalk boobs haha. “What do you think about these babes? Would these boobs look good on me” haha. I don’t think I ever heard him complain though! But totally do your research it’s the best way to find out what sort of thing you’re looking for and what result you want to achieve πŸ™‚ I think a lot of people automatically assume you need to have huge implants to achieve brilliant results but I’ve seen smaller implant girls with incredible results you wouldn’t believe they have smaller implants. So natural but full still. That’s what I’m hoping to achieve! I’m sure you’ll get the boobs of your dreams, it’s all worth it. More than happy to answer any questions, share photos with you lovely. Good luck! Xx

    Stefanie 9

    Hi Girls
    My stats are similar 5ft 6 size 10/12 10st
    I was a 34a to start and I’ve asked for 34d and I was recommended 255cc mod how partials but on the day had 275cc because I started worrying they would be too small, but this was the biggest I could go due to my frame and skin type. I’ve had two children so my skin has been prev stretched and wouldn’t take a bigger implant than this and still look quite natural.
    I’m happy with the size but also wished they were a bit bigger , but only because I keep looking at all the pictures on here but realistically I think I’ve got the right size.
    I’m only 10 days post surgery but so far no problems and have noticed them starting to drop a little and not so cone shaped.

    Kirsty 23

    I know so excited. My surgeon suggested high profiles think they give you a bit more volume at the top and bit more projection. When is your surgeon consultation ? I would ask your surgeon and see what he/she thinks, tell him what you want to achieve. The reason I’m having the implants I am is because of my small frame and I also have thin skin surgeon said if I went bigger would run the risk of seeing the implant at the side of the breast and also increase in rippeling. Xx

    Chloe 122

    Haha Jessica im a boob stalker to im on here all the time think mines about 8weeks away can’t wait xx


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    Im also booked for July (end of) and getting 265cc, i was worried they were going to be too small but told they will take me to a D which is what i want to be. xx

    Hattie 3

    Hiya my stats are sort of similar, 5″9 and 9.6 stone, I was a 34AA before and I had 270cc high profile teardrops nearly three weeks ago and I’m now a 34 C and I’m very happy with the size and results! Feel free to ask any questions and see photos etc πŸ™‚ xx

    Peggy 25

    Hi girls,
    Congrats on booking Beeks01! πŸ˜€
    I’m just post op and have 250cc mod profile overs and will update my profile with progress pics as I go- feel free to add me πŸ™‚
    I am around 5’4 and weigh 8 stone, very small up top barely making 32a but wanted overs if it could be done due to aerial training so had a smaller implant of 250cc over the muscle.
    My recovery pain straight after yesterday was super minimal, feeling much tighter and a little sore this morning but have just had my meds so should start to feel better again soon enough πŸ™‚
    I stayed over night and glad I did as I think it’s helped put my mind at ease about going home today and settling in for the recovery πŸ™‚
    Any questions please feel free to message.
    I’m with mya and can’t fault my experience at all, they have been amazing πŸ™‚

    Louise 1


    I have my surgery this week I am a 34aa going with 365cc or 385cc unders, moderate plus projection. Please can anyone message me who has similar stats.

    I am 5’7, 69kg, broad shoulders



    Hey Louise,

    I have exactly the same stats as you, weight, height and seem to have a similar frame.

    I’m also going for moderate unders between 300-350. What size are you hoping for?

    I would like a D but I have no idea what cc I would need to achieve that xx


    Hi Louise and Olivia.

    I am similar stats to you both….5ft 8 and 10.5 stone. I had 375cc mod plus over the muscle 2 weeks ago and love them. At the moment I am in 34DD sports bra which is quite tight. I would say go with the bigger size as the difference is minimal. 375cc over is about the equivalent of 400cc under the muscle (you loss some volume under the muscle). Feel free to add/message if you have more questions. Allie xx


    Does anyone have pics they can share?

    Jane 9

    I’m 5’5, having 250cc HP unders in three days! Feel free to add me as well!

    Rali 41

    I had 300 cc hp dual plane 10 days ago. I was 30 A and 10 days later they look like that. I can’t say what is the size as is too early and if I should be honest I was worried that mine will be small too but I am size 6 so probably is ok

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    Becca 167

    They look like they’re going to be fabulous! They are a great size for your frame I think. Amazing transformation, congratulations!

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