BA done! Started by: Scarlett

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    hey girls

    first of all I have no idea how so many of you come back on the forum so quickly! I had my op on sat 14th and it went really smoothly. the staff at preston were all fantastic and kind and supportive to me.
    I was shown to my room straight away when I arrived t 10am and was told what was happening every step of the way. I was ready for my op at 11.45 and was back in my room at 1.00
    at first I felt so shivery and so had a nice thick duvet put over me. but I also felt incredibly claustrophobic and like I couldn’t breath and like the implants were too heavy on my chest but the nurses calmed me down to stop me from hyperventilating and encouraged me to walk around and sit in the other room to give me a sense of freedom and it worked. because of this I didn’t feel confident to leave the hospital till about 5. and when I did I got to the hotel and watched a little of x factor drifting in and out of sleep. today I feel a million times better.
    im so glad I did it and at first I did feel like crying and was thinking what have I done to myself. I expected to bounce back straight away and when that didn’t happen I panicked!
    thnxs for all the kind words by the way
    it means a lot to me


    Glad your Ok Honey and all went well – That will probably be me to panic like that …Glad you felt better quickly though
    Congrats on the new babies 🙂 xx


    Yey hun! Glad you’re all done and you can let the healing process begin!! 🙂


    thnk you
    also girls its a lot faster for me to update on my phone than it is laptop…so much so that I have an instagram just for boobie friends
    if youre on instagram you can follow me my name is scarletts_newtwins and I can upload pics wayyyyy quicker!
    I already have one pre op nd two post op on there]but will upload on here too when I cn]XX


    Glad it went well and your feeling ok x welcome to the bangers club x


    Iv just sent a request on Instagram glad it all went well for you hun 🙂 xx


    Congratulations @scarlett have been thinking about how you got on as mine was today. So glad you feel goodxx


    Congrats hun glad went well happy healing. Its an emotional time. Think my nerves r returnin for tues now xx

    Hayley -1

    Congrats Scarlett 🙂 send you a request so I can check out the girls haha x


    Glad it went well @scarlett. I have sent ypu a request on instagram x

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