BA Friday and not well at all :( Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe

    Hi ladies.. I have booked in to have my ba on Friday.. Admission time 730. The way I am feeling at the moment j an struggling to move let alone have the op.. I’m not sure if it’s just a flu or if it’s where I have been worrying about the op. Did anyone else feel rough before op? Xx


    Hi Zoe, Sorry to hear you’re feeling rough, It may be a good idea to see your gp incase it is flu. Maybe they can give you something to speed up you feeling better before Friday. I am currently trying to get my white blood cell count back up as a blood test showed they were low =( So have been doing what I can to hopefully get them back to normal for my BA on the 18th. Have to go back Monday for a re test so my fingers are tightly crossed! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to get better for Friday. Be such a shame to have to pull out at the last min x


    Thanks Holly. Luckily enough my bloods came back fine as my GP thought my blood was too thin and everything has gone so smoothly i knew it was all too good to be true. My fiance has just been out and stocked up on loads of painkillers ha. So hopefully ill be back to myself in no time.. Getting a gp appointment as my surgery is like gold dust! It doesnt help either that my little boy is really poorly and been stuck up hosp all day with him for them to tell me he has a chest infection.. Which quite clearly there is more to it as he wont eat, constantly sleeping and if not hes crying and vomiting everywhere 🙁 I am so hoping everything falls in to place for firday.. been one long old day lol. I hope your results come back right, ill keep my fingers crossed xx


    Oh no Zoe!!!!! Fingers crossed for you Hun!!!! Lots of rest (as much as you can with your little boy) you have a few more days yet to get better at least xxx


    You’re welcome hun! Glad your bloods came back fine, but typically sounds like my luck, everything goes well n then a spanner gets thrown in the works =( Aw bless him that’s good of him. I think warm honey n lemon is supposed to be good n also try sweating it out if you can. Aww no bless him, it’s horrible when the kids get ill ain’t it? I have 3 of my own so know what it’s like. I really hope your boy gets better soon n you get to the bottom of what’s causing him to be ill. I bet it has, I really feel for you n hope things get better from here on in for you =) I’ll be looking out for a post from you on Friday with some good news! Aww thank you, I do too been eating what they say can help bring the count up n have also started taking vitamin E each day. So after all this I hope so xx

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