BA – over or unders? Started by: bobby

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  • bobby

    I’ve been to see Paul Clarke about a BA, anybody had him? he said 230cc overs to go from a A to C. Shocked thought he would have recommended unders as not much skin.


    hi 🙂 i did’nt see that surgeon but im a 32aa and was offered 255cc over but iv opted for under 285cc as i think they will look better and also less chance of ripple, cc and they can detect breast cancer easier. A little more pain i know but im worried as im so thin eventually as i get older and my skin thins you will see the implant!something i dont want! :/



    Hiya. I was offered overs and I was quite flat to start so was expecting unders. Overs are placed over the muscle but under your breast tissue so they don’t affect breast cancer detection, so that shouldn’t be a worry. I would trust your surgeon as they know best, you can always go back to see your surgeon and ask more questions if you’re worried about rippling or anything else, just to be sure. I saw mine twice to ask the same questions and I went with what he recommened and I’m very happy. Good luck x


    Thanks for your answers, what size did you have Belle? x


    Hi I had partial unders yesterday with mr kazzazi, and only 18 with not too much breast tissue, theirs more change of dropping with overs as the muscle keeps the implant in place more, and more of a natrual look even though I had pointyish boobs to start with so I said to my surgenn I wanted round breasts but a D cup, people say its more pain but I actually feel fine just a little achy, :), + if you read up about some celebs such as ‘amy childs’ she had overs to start with and they dropped and looked saggy so she’s had them redone unders and they hold in place better 🙂 hope this helps feel free to add to look at my pics xx

    Nicole -18

    Hey hun I had overs and mine look very natural. You’re only having a small implant so I wouldnt worry about drooping! All boobs do eventually! Also it wont affect breast cancer screening. Good luck x


    Hi Bobby – I had 300 overs and I’m a bit older t00 (38). I’m happy with my result, and it has perked them up a bit! The reason I had overs is there is a big risk of snoopy deformity (google it) if women with some of their own tissue go under the muscle, especially if there is a bit of sag. The original tissue will just hang off the implant – creating a kind of snoopy shaped nose! Your surgeon will advise you of the best placemnent for you body. If in doubt, have a few more consultations. All implants can sag in the end, over or under, like real boobs, we just have to look after them! Good luck x x x

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