Ba when can I have naughties ha :) Started by: Charliegirl

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    Starting yo feel he urges me and my fella curious when I can naughties obv I don’t wanna ruin or risk anything I’m almost a week post op and starting to feel a lot more comfortable xxx


    There are ways round it hun lol! Me and my boyfriend did it the day after surgery just don’t go wild haha xx


    ha ha yes where theres a will theres a way 🙂 may not be as exciting for you but go for it x


    Lol this made me giggle! Was wondering this too xx


    Start it and see how you feel hun I was terrified to do it then I tried it about a week post op aswel and it was no way near as bad as I thought it would be I put a pillow underneath me so I wasn’t lying completely flat haha. Now I just wana have it with no bra on for the first time!! Lol xxx


    Aslong as your boyfriends gentle and you figure out where your most comfortable your absolutely fine! It’s horrible not been able to just have a proper hug and get close to your boyfriend so even though it’s a hassle to begin with it can be done and you actually get abit of nice attention haha 🙂 xxx


    You may or may not want to know this but if your scared of it hurting the way we did it may be easier! I sorta just stayed in my seating position where I sleep with my pillows, where Ide usually have a pillow under my knees and legs to stop sliding down if were my boyfriend slid himself lol! Your still comfy with all the pillows propping you up and not at risk of squishing or knocking anything xxx


    Haha thankyou ladies I’m laughing here I’m glad it isn’t just me… I’m gonna give it a go in a few days maybe il be like a virgin again… Ha xxxxx and il have plenty of pillows lol


    HAHA! Me and my fella were just thinking this today! Will be trying in a few days once mother nature is out of the way! Just cant wait to have a proper hug 🙁 I miss that more than anything 🙁 xxx


    Yeah I’m definitely in need of a big squeeze 🙁 xxx

    Samantha 1

    I’ve been wondering about this too…Didn’t even think about hugs, little sad now 🙁 xx


    You can still have hugs but they are so crap compared to big squeeze lol! I can sorta leen on my boyfriend and he can hug me a little. It will be worth it when we have great boobies girls! We can do this lol xx

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