bloody hell hun there massive compared to 340’s though but awesome hun
bet u feel a million times better hun
Im a baby too Han but just think…..Its going to be so so worth it! haha
I hope i do see you there Shell……If you hear some crazed person shouting your name from their bed dont worry, its only me!! haha Ill be asking you a million and one questions about how you feel and things if i bump into you!! lol
Im not really too nervous of what they’re actually going to do- as ill be out for the count, but the thing im most scared of is the NEEDLE (im sure satan himself invented those things!!) im terrified of them and ive never been put to sleep before, and then just of waking up and the pain thats probably going to follow, and shell im like you too…..i love my bed and my sleep!!! I guess im just going to have to buy a decent book lol
I always get even more excited when i come on here and see what other people have written too!!! My mum and dad are getting fed up of me talking, every word out of my mouth recently is boob related haha i cant help it!!! These 5 weeks wont go quick enough! xxxxxxxxxx
Thats ok with me hun, i like to try and help out as much as possible and oh my i am well excited today an its gaes off haha1 u never know i may still be high the the anesthetic haha and be a crazy women running round the hospital………….. well i wont but u know haha
i love reading all the girls stories too
Aww i feel like i cant really help anyone at the min, because ive not been through it yet and i dont really know what to expect. All i know is im coming out with new boobies haha. But once its done i shall share the wisdom with all the other post op ladies
hahaha i can picture it now… running around in your slippers still pumped up with chemicals, and me running round afrer you just because im unbelievably scared haha Noooo im sure everything will be fine though
and its not too long away now….only 4 weeks and two days!!!!! xxx
Hi Weeze,
I have my op booked for December – still have not decided on the size though. Would you mind sending me some of you before and after pics? My e-mail is
Thank you in advance hun xx
Heya wt date is ur op in dec? Mines 16th x
aaaghhhhhhhhhhhh 4 weeks tuesday haha, awesome ness
seriously hun i will be running around all chemicaled up, looking for u haha!!!
Hi Weeze
I would love to see your before and after pics. my e-mail is
Hi Weeze could you kindly send me your before and after pics – I am booked with Mr Traynor on the 15th for a FTT/BA/LIPO – im having 340 overs so would love to see some of his work.
Hi Weeze
Could you please email me your pics please im having 340 unders and my stats are the same as yours except im 5ft 4.
Only 2 weeks 6 days to go!!! I Still cant quite get my head around it, it still doesnt feel real. It only seems like yesterday we were saying ”only 5 weeks to go” haha
Oh my god!
Are you still nervous?
Some days I feel really relaxed about it and dont give it too much thought, but then other days – like today, Its reeling around in my head and i get a mixture of being terrified and really excited!!
What are you doing for New Years? Are you off out? Im supposed to be going out in Manchester to a club….but im really scared of them being knocked, thats if im not in too much pain still to go out in the first place! I cannot stay in on my own on New Years Eve!!!
Hey hun
Scared, frightened, worried …………… oh yes i am all of those, as well as EXCITED!!! To have boobies hehe!!!
Were are these weeks going next we will be saying its only a few days……… 19 days and counting though hun!!!
I do keep getting worried hun, i just want everything to go smoothly and have no complications but it doesnt help i read other forums about girls with problems so really i must stop reading lol!!!
New years eve, i would love to go out but not sure what me and my fella are doing he said either stay in or go out but i would also be worried about bumping them too hun, as really it will only be just over 2 weeks after our op hun so we wont really be healed but wearing a new dress i want to do but i may wait till i am proper heald and make a special night out for my boobies haha!! how sad am i?
But we have worked hard for these babes and want the best of course for our ASSESTs
I have less than 3 weeks left in work which i cant wait for
Omg 17 days to go!!! It doesnt seem long when you count in days! I think i prefer to do it in weeks haha
Yep i know what you mean, i only tend to read the good stories, dont get me wrong i know about all the risks and things but thats only a small percentage when you think about it, so i dont really wana think bad thoughts at this stage! lol
Ohhh decisions decisions. I mite just c how i feel when the time comes. Ive been told not to wear a bra at all for 6 weeks, not even a sports bra, but i might buy one just for new years eve, and wear a nice dress that covers up my chest til im all healed. i could just sit in a corner somewhere and tap my feet…no harm done then hahaha
but seriously with ur new assets will u want to sit in a corner tapping ur feet??????????????? HELL No!!! u have new babies hehe!!!
i may just buy a new dress and prance about the front room in it
well 2 weeks and 2 days aaaaaghhhhhhhhh!!!!
i have been told not to wear a bra too for 6 weeks, plaster times hehe!!! they’ll be pert as hell though lol just wont be wanting pointing nips lol
Pointin nips haha, shel i went bk 2c mr traynor n im havin 460s nw ahh SO big! 18dayz woowoo!x
Aw thanku, gud luk shell! Nt long now!x
Yea miles betta, a tuk ma lil note pad 2 make sure a askt all ma questionz! not long nw 4us!x
Yeah i know what you mean….i cnt just sit n tap my feet at the best of times!!
haha yes!!! i just cant wait to go n buy new clothes…and bra’s!!! so excited.
i dont want pointy nips either hahahaha i just want them to be normal and soft as soon as i have them done im too impatient!!
15 days to go!!
Is that what your having shell? 340’s? I am too. 340cc unders Should do the trick though haha xxxxxxxx
i have diff size boobies so 300 in one and 340 in the other been offered 340/380’s but Mr Traynor thinks there too big for me so rather trust him and go with what he says
I cant wait to go clothes shopping hehe!!! yikes 2 weeks tomoz haha!!!!
Defo not looking forward to the pointy nips lol
Hi weeze, im having 340cc unders, im 5ft5 and a size 12 hope they are going to be big enough for me! I would really appreciate it if i could see your b4 and after pics!
Thankyou!!! x
omg 8 days to go!!! not that im counting!!
9dayz 4me! Ahh! x
i cant believe im having my ba tomorrow!! less than 24 hours to go, and the nerves have wel and truely kicked in. i cant stop thinking about it now! im so scared lol
its strange though, im scared, but it still hasnt sunk in 100%!! maybe it will tomorrow morning!
good luck girls, you dont have too long to wait now, it wil fly by, only seems like yesterday i was saying….’5 weeks to go”!
Gud luk adele! Les than 48hrz 4me! I knw i can rememba sayin 63dayz 2go! Bet u cant wait!x
Hi Adele
Oh god bet your getting excited now, think I might have to knock myself out the day before, I’m booked in with Mr Traynor on the 26th jan, can’t wait to hear your story. What size have you gone for then? I am the same stats as you and he has told me the biggest I can go is 300cc, really wanted the 340cc but will do as I’m told, he’s the boss! Anyway I hope everything goes really well tomorrow, and enjoy, speak soon hun xxxxxx
Good luck girlies!!
going for mine on 21st!!7 days!!just hoping it wont be to painful over christmas!!
going there by myself but have heard all the nurses are nice?!
is anyone having day case!?would prefer it but not sure how they decide?
Thanks girls I had it a week ago today, and had my 1 week post op check with mya this morning
Lauri….Yes i was sooo excited, i thought i would have got really nervous the morning of my BA, as im terrified of needles, and id never been put under before, but i didnt. The only time i got a bit scared was as i lay on the bed in the anesthetic room, waiting for it to happen!
I actually went on my own, my mum and dad couldnt get out of work as they both work in schools but the nurses and the anesthetic team were amazing. It was a really good experience
I wouldnt hesitate to go through it all again, although i wont because i love them already!!
I got there at 12, but didnt get to go down til 6, as there was a bit of a delay because one patient just before me was having a BA, liposuction and a tummy tuck!! But i didnt mind waiting too much, i just watched tv mostly. I stayed overnight, and had to ring for the nurse several times during the night for different things, but they were all lovely, and made me feel very comfortable!
Mr Traynor gave me 3 options size wise, and i decided to go with the biggest, which was 340cc. He said with me only being a 34A originally, and with very little breast tissue, nothing bigger would fit. But i was happy with that as i would have chosen the 340cc myself anyway. Well a week has passed now, and the swelling has gone down a little, although they havnt started to drop yet. Im happy with the size, as i wanted natural looking boobies im not sure what size il end up, but if i were to guess id prob say a full C, maybe even a small D, but who knows! All i know is im over the moon, and the incisions are healing really well. The tape came off this morning and i now have a small strip under each breast. I cant wait to go bra shopping in 5 weeks!!!
I hope things go well for you too, Mr Traynor is amazing!! I would recommend him to anyone I actually broke down in the morning just before i came home. He came to see me and check everything was ok, i managed to tell him how grateful i was through all my tears hahaha sounds silly but this has given me the confidence ive always needed!
Good look sweetie!! You’ll be fine, and i hope youll be as happy with your results as i am with mine
Hi Adele or any one else for that matter,
I am 21 with size 32a maybe less bra size basically no boobs.I am a size ten slim build and I am in the process of finding a good surgeon. I want the result to look as natural as possible, i dont want footballs placed on my chest if you get me. If anyone was the same bust size before your op would it be possible for you to send me your before and after pictures so that i can have a look at them ie what size i should go etc and how natural they loook
My email is
thank you
Hi Ive got my consultation tmw night with Mr Traynor. I`m a 34b and hopeully want to go to a D maybe DD .
Would it be o`k if I have a look at your before and after pics as I haven`t seen any of his work yet, and not really sure which surgeon to go with.
Many thanks Happy healing
hi weeze wow wot a great read! congrats on the new boobies, how are you feeling? what size implants did you have,unders or overs?xxx
Hi, I’m feeling good thanks, just uncomfortable! I had 340cc under the muscle x
im having 460 unders with mr kazzazi in 2weeks, cant wait!! hopefully take me to at least a d, wot size are you hoping for?xxx
Im booked in with mr traynor in just over a week thanks for your story its settled my nerves now i know what to expect . Happy healing hun x
Congrats Hun, glad all went well Happy Healing did u have unders or overs??
Hi Weeze, congrts on your new boob.
I had dr traynor on the 28th sept at the ame hopital but did not get in a quick as you!!!
I cannot beleive they said dont wear a sports bra as these keep them supported for the whole 6 weeks otherwise they are gonna drop quicker!! have you spoke to your PC to ask for advice on wearing one? i have taken mine off just for a breather but put it back on straight away while they are setting! i still hold them as i feel they may fall off and when i lean over my god didnt think i would feel like that lol
have a word as you have paid alot of money and the last thing you want is for them to drop too much.
xxxthe pain will ease very shortly xxx
kellyw x
Hy weeza, i think you should read some tips i got from the net ‘aftercare girls’
Congratulations on your new boobies :bigsmile:
Get loads of rest, and drink lots of water. I know what you mean about holding your boobs – as i kept holding and stroking mine for weeks! Having never had boobs before, i found them quite heavy (in a nice way!). My surgeon was Mr Adamo, and he says that there is no need to wear a sports bra unless i felt more comfortable with one on. I must admit, i probably wear one more than i don’t wear one because they do feel heavy, but it is nice to take it off for a couple of hours several times a day. At night i wear a secret support vest from M&S which is soft and comfortable, as well as giving you a bit of support. I’m 7 weeks post op now :bigsmile: x
Hi weeze, I’m the same as you 32A, size 8-10 but just under 5ft 4ins. I went for a consultation with Mr Traynor and he’s suggested the 340cc to me aswell – I really want to be a large D/DD but I just don’t know if the 340 will be big enough?! Have you any idea what size you are now or is it too early to measure them? Do they lok big? Mr Traynor said he probably could fit the 380cc in but that they might stretch my skin too much as I have a small frame and they might look too fake and stuck on. What do you think? Would you mind if I have a look at your before and after pics if you have any please? xx
congratulations!!! :bigsmile: 5 days for me now!! getting slightly scared! haha xxx
Hi, I spoke to my pc and she agreed with mr traynor, wearing a sports bra would slow down my healing apparently. I was a 32A and tried on a 34D sports bra and it was too small, not sure if I’m still swollen as I don’t think I’m quite a 36DD!
They’ve dropped a little bit this week, but mostly have just softened up and are more comfy now
Got my post op with nurse in bham tomorrow, get my plasters off
Thanks for all your comments I’ll gladly email before & after pics to people if they’d like.
Weeze x
Hi weeze, i’m seriously considering some boobs! i’m 5ft 8 size 8/10 and would love to see your pics.
p.s loved reading your experience as this is just as i imagine i might be!
Hi weeze
Im so glad ur op went well, i am the same as u i am 34A atm and am having 380cc under the muscle in 11days :crazy:
I would love to see your before and after pics if you dont mind as we are having very similar procedures xxx
opps my e-mail add would help… thanx
Had my BA with Mr Traynor in Manchester on Tuesday… here’s my story.
Started off a 32A, size 8/10, height 5 foot 9.
Went in on Tuesday (6/10/09) @ noon to the Manchester Lifestyle Hospital, had a bit of a problem finding a parking space, but the receptionist was friendly, helped us out and gave me a few forms to sign. I waited nervously just about 2 minutes before someome came to show me to my room (101). I was shown how to work the tv, given my gown and paper knickers and a menu to choose from for after my op. My boyfriend watched tv while I panicked! I just wanted to chicken out I was so scared! Finally got changed into my gown, a nurse came round and introduced herself, talked me through what was going to happen and the aftercare, got me to sign a consent form. She left, so I sat on my bed, reading for a few minutes then a waiter came and took my menu choices for my evening meal and breakfast. Mr Traynor came in a few minutes later, asked if I had any questions, confirmed that I was having 340cc unders; he drew on me quickly, much to my boyfriends discomfort! And then he said ‘see you soon’ and left. Not even 5 minutes later, an anaesthetist came in, asked a few questions about my medical history, talked me through his part of the op, and then he left too.
5 minutes later, the nurse came back, asked me to put on my dressing gown and slippers and go with her. Argh! Still wanted to chicken out!
I went down in the lift and into the anaesthetists room, where I lay back on a bed, was covered up by his assistant wo talked me through everything, telling me what was going to happen and comforting me. The anaesthetic was the part I was dreading, and when I flinched, the anaesthetist shouted “don’t move!” but his assistant was there, stroking my other hand and telling me to open my mouth.
Next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes back in my room with my boyfriend looking at me!
I was pretty much in and out of it for a few minutes, but when I was able to be helped into a sitting position, I couldn’t believe the size and weight of my boobs! They were sitting inbetween my shoulders and under my arms and felt like rocks! I was on a drip, but I was comfy and very happy with the result, so I mostly dozed all afternoon. My eyesight was quite blurry from the anaesthetic so I couldn’t focus on the tv or my books, so I slept and chatted to my boyfriend and the nurses who kept popping in.
I was brought my evening meal, but mostly just picked at it as I had no appetite, but I drank loads, my mouth was so dry. I was helped into the toilet by my nurse, had a few problems with my balance, an the drip made me bleed, which made me queasy! but I was ok, was helped back to bed and my boyfriend left @ 9pm when I was more settled.
I slept on and off all night, I had a lovely night nurse who was chatting to me as she did everything, squeezing my boobs to see which one needed more ice! I went to the toilet fine on my own after the first time and read when I really couldnt sleep. The discomfort didnt really set in until about 5am the next day and didnt dissipate much after painkillers. It wasn’t painful, just really uncomfortable. I asked the nurse when I was supposed to start wearing the sports bras, and she told me not to wear a bra at all for the whole 6 weeks! wish I would have known before I bought them!
I left the hospital after breakfast, having been seen by the nurse and Mr Traynor, who simply poked each boob, smiled and left! I was given more painkillers, all my paperwork and the all clear from my blood pressure etc. The drive home wasn’t too bad as I had my V pillow to support me, and I haven’t been without it since!
I slept on and off all day Wednesday, helped along by the painkillers but have been up and around the house yesterday and today, trying to get comfy! I love my boobs, can’t believe how much they’ve dropped and softened already! I’ve developed a habit of sitting and holding them tho, guess I’ll have to stop that before I go back to work!
Hope this helps anyone who was as nervous as I was! xxx
Thanks for the pics hun they look amazing!!! I will be having the nxt size up – 380cc I hope they look as good as urs!! dont want them to be too big!! :bigsmile:
Hi Weeze,
Would you mind sending me some before and after pics please? I’m going with Mr Traynor too and don’t know whether to go for 340cc or 380 cc – he suggested 340 as he said the 380 might stretch me too much. I’m a 32A too, 5ft3.5in and weigh about 8st 11lbs, size 8/10 (8 on top). Did you have the 380cc? xx
Just read above and seen you had the 340cc – would be really good to see before and after pics of them especially as you sound like you have similar stats to me to start with. My email address is
Thanks xxx
i am like the other girls here similiar build to you, size wise and using the same surgeon
could u please send me some pics, i want a very much the same as u and the not stuck on look, want them too look as natural as possible hun
much appreciated hun
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