back at work Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    15 days post op. 1st day at work. My god im hurting!! And im only sat in the office. Meant to be dental nursing will have to sit on reception and do admin for a while. Don’t know how people can go back to work after a week


    i went back after a week and i have been fine i was a bit sore the first 2 days but then i was fine you will get back into it sooner enough hun everyoe recoveres differently 🙂 x


    Oh no I was planning to go bk to work after a week did gou drive to work too? I have an 45 min drive to work maybe I should have 2 weeks off haha xx


    Did you all take sick leave? I went back after a week, gave work a fit note from GP and now they’re refusing to pay me as I haven’t given details about my surgery


    Oh no Lisa that’s annoying. I never get paid sick although I looked in my contract today and I should be getting full pay if I’m off sick. So I’m going to speak with them tomorrow. They all know I was having it done and tbh I look the same in clothes so will take proof that I’ve had it done etc. but I do work for cheap skates so they will prob say something to say why they can’t pay me.

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