Back to spinning?? Started by: Nicki

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  • Nicki 1

    Hey girls…
    I’ll be 4 weeks post op on Monday n feeling fine.. Do u think I’ll be ok to start spinning again? I’m dying to go back, really missing it!! Theres a class on tomorrow n i’m seriously considering going..My incisions are looking really good. I’ve done some gentle exercise n have been fine.. My diet is so much better when I’m exercising so really need to get back to it!!! I normally go to the gym 5 days a week.. What do u think? Have any of u gone back to spinning at this stage?? Thanks in advance 🙂 xx


    I usually go to the gym for 2-3 hours 5 days a week myself and the wait killed me but its worth it to protect those expensive assets. I started spinning at 6 weeks and took it very slowly, I didnt do the jumps or the hovers to start with and gradually brought them in as I got stronger. You should do what your surgeon has instructed to ensure you have healed internally. The skin heals a lot faster than the inside does and you dont want to disrupt the implants from adhering to the pocket. Most surgeons say 6 weeks but check with yours first. You would be surprised how much you use your chest muscles even in a spin class and its not worth ruining your result for a spin class.

    Nicki 1

    🙁 I know ur right… But I’m dying to go back lol!! Oh well.. I’d much rather protect the newbies n really don’t want to risk ruining them.. 2 more weeks it is.. Xx

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