Backing Out :( ?! Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe

    I am booked in for my BA on 11th July and i am so excited.. or was until my mum started putting a downer on it all and now i am really panicking. I live in a block of flats, top floor so have 2 flights of stairs to go up and down each time i need to go somewhere plus i have a 17month old boy. My fiance works full time and although he is brilliant, we cant afford to both take time of work meaning come 1pm everyday i will need to pick my son up from nursery and be on my own with him until 4/5ish. Are there any other ladies who have had BA done and have had to look after young children without much help? I so badly want this done and dont want to put it back… any advice? xx


    Just go for it, if time isn’t right now, when will it be? We are women and we are strong, if something has to happen we will make it happen somehow or another, we always cope. I shan’t lie I did not have a breeze po but I found it manageable. I have a 2 and 6 year old, the day after my op I went for a long walk, that evening cooked a spag bowl and managed to lift my son into high chair as no one was here to help. The next day I threw him a birthday party and I managed. Admittedly come the evening on each day I was absolutely exhausted but I managed whilst I had to, you’ll be ok Hun- power through with a little girl power ✌️Haha x


    Thank liz I was feeling like I should maybe “not be selfish” and spend the money on something for the family or the house you’ve just helped me decide send I’m doing it! X


    Maybe booking the op on a weekend would help that way u will be bale to get some help x


    Can’t u stay with family/friends? I’m sure a fam member will help u. I’m going to stay at my mums and my sister will be looking after my daughter. What days does ur partner have off? Plan it around him so when he’s off he can deal with the lil one.

    Emma 1

    Hey Zoe as u know I’m in a similar boat to u and keep worrying that I won’t b able to cope with the baby after the op but I’m reading so many girls have such good recoveries I’m just planning on tryin to do as little as possible whilst I’m home alone with little man! Xx


    Thanks girls, does help to have the support. I am booked in for a Friday so I’ll have help over the weekend and I’m hoping come Monday I will be feeling a bit better. If not I’ll just have to soldier on ha! I will speak to my sister in law and see if she can help out with picking him up from Nursery or having him for a few hours xx

    Laura 13

    I have a 7 and 4 year old and I am a single mum. I looked after kids all on my own after my op, only help I had was when my mam come round 4 days post op to do some house work for me.


    Go for it hun. I was like this for ages. I got two boys under 4. But i just did as m7ch as a felt i cud at the time. Had little stools round the house for the kids to try and do things themselves and brought all the high stuff dwn ready:) its the best thing ive dun. Xx

    kate 1

    I have a 2 and a half year old and an 12month old and had my ba 8 days ago. It hasn’t been easy as you cannot lift the children for at least a week. You have to do as little as possible and find ways around things. Get your little one to climb up the stairs with you right behjnd supporting their waiste and get them to come down on their bottom with you in front holding their hands. Things like that. Xx


    Thanks girls.. feeling a lot better by it. Think my mum is coming round slightly as shes asking me the odd question about it now, seems semi interested lol, Surprisingly my dad had a better response to it and seems quite supportive.. shame he lives in Scotland though :\ Like you said Liz, we find a way if we want something done so i suppose thats what i will do 🙂 xx


    Hi Zoe, I am having my op on 6th July and I have a five year old little one I will be taking a few days off work but life will be normal most of the time …
    I was worried about it but just decided to go with the flow, hopefully you will be ok and as someone said above when is the right time? do whats right for you
    if your going to be happier etc then I say do it, I have put mine off and off for years and am finally going for it you only live once xX


    Hi hun, My op is on the wednesday and I will have my husband home with me until he goes back to work on the Monday. I think it will be very hard as I have a 16 months old and a 4 year old but I know I just need to get on with it. I have people putting me down about it saying it’s not the right time etc etc etc but like someone above just said.. when will it ever be?? My son starts school in september and I’m getting married next year- I don’t think any time could be better than right now!?

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