Bad vibes!! Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah

    Has anyone else had others opinions on you’s having breast enlargements? I’ve been getting a lot of people saying “love yourself the way you are” ” why on wrath would you want to do that?!” Or over hearing about others voicing their opinions behind my back. I honestly couldn’t care about their opinions as it’s not their body. If they don’t like it don’t look at me! Just wondering if anyone else has and weather or not it’s changed their opinions on getting surgery.


    Every time I mentioned it to anyone they all said “oh you don’t need it! Be happy you’re lovely the way you are now” etc. ha they all thought I was having some identity crisis or had bad self esteem when I really know that I wanted them because I would love the look not because I hated the way I looked without them! It’s just something that makes you happy 🙂


    I know I don’t understand why people need to say those things. I wouldn’t put anyone down on what they want to make their confidence better. Just baffles me!


    Its funnymy family are pro tattoos and piercings.. But not implants.
    Heck they are even pro dermal implants and horn implants in heads and ear stretching but when they found out about my boobs they were all up in my grill.

    Why does it matter how someone alters there body its how they feel at the end of the day that matters.
    Whether you do it for the way they look or because u need them to make u happy. Or fixing what was left after having a child or weight loss.
    Its all the same.
    And to those girls who mock us for our fake tits… Yet they walk around with fake hair fake eyelashes fake nails.
    Not many people at a club on a night out are 100 % natural.

    Eveyones in the same boat

    And tbh stick to fingers up at them because if they were offered a free boob job most of them would accept it.

    I find the girls with larger natural boobs are more jel they dont like sharong the lime lighy x


    Yeah all the time it the look then “you should love yourself the way you are” blah blah i love myself already and not because of how I look but the person I am and the way I am with my son, my family, my partner and friends not because I’m getting my breasts done lol that’s just for me and has nothing to do with anything or anyone else. X


    Here here xx

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