Bandages driving me crazy!! Started by: vicky85

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  • vicky85

    Hey all merry Xmas xx I’m 3 days po and my bandages are driving me mental! I really want to rip them off, they are really itching me :z any tips or advise would be great.

    Nips 2

    I know I am the same that is the worst part about it now! Wanted to itch and not being able too,one is generally near incision area so can only imagine its where the blood has dried and rubbing against it.
    Have you started to get like what feels like vibrating in your boobs? X


    Lol yes like grumbling noises lol it’s so strange. But the itching is driving me crazy. I’m tempted just to take it all off!!! Xx

    kathryn 1

    i’m 4 days post op and the itching is crazy, some ppl take antihisamines (piroton) to help, and make sure the edge of ye bra is rubbing on the incision site x


    Don’t get tempted @vicky85, you only have a few more days to go before it comes off. You don’t wait to disturb your scars and infect in anyway. Try the antihistamine like what @kathryn had suggested. The tape sure is the worst part (I can cuts and bruises from the tape in numerous places), along with the upright sleeping at this point, but its all temporary you will be fine. Merry Christmas. XXX


    The itching is driving me mad but it’s a good sign that everything is healing!!! I just keep rubbing mine which gets me some funny looks lol

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