Be excited Started by: Grainne Mears-Bullen

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    I wanted to also jump on the positive post vibe. Anyone new here or researching I just wanted to share my experience with mya so far. I’m 6 weeks post op on Wednesday I had 450cc high profile round unders with mr Marcellino. I absolutely love my boobs they’ve already transformed how I feel about myself. My nurse and aftercare has been fab. The staff at firzroy on op day were utterly amazing and really made me feel calm, reassured, and in safe hands. I had no sickness after my surgery and travelled home the same day feeling fine (totally drugged up). Pain was bad the first week, I was tired, struggled to get comfy at night, had neck and back aches. But after a week it pretty much all turned around. Just over 5 weeks post op and they already feel like my own. They still have more dropping and fluffing to do, but they are softening nicely, they feel part of my body already and touch wood I’ve got no more pains or aches and feel pretty damn awesome. I had a cheeky try on of s bra and it looks like I’ll come out 34f which sounds huge but looks just perfect on my frame. I trusted my surgeon to decide on the final implant size and felt so confident in him as a surgeon. So glad I did. I’m so grateful for this forum, for help advice and support, and I’m hoping now that I’m post op I can help girls like others helped me and pay it forward.
    Wishing you all speedy recoveries and excellent journeys to new boobies.

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    XmasPuds 38

    You look phenomenal honey, thank you so much for this post <3 xxx

    Claire 15

    @gmb1309 soooo nice reading this, my ops a week today and I’ve gone from being so excited to incredibly anxious!! I try and not look on here but I carnt help myself lol.
    Your new boobs look absolutely incredible!! I hope I have such an amazing recovery like you have. Xxx


    Thank you I feel so chuffed with my result. Just what I wanted! It’s important to share the good stories too. A lot of girls with good stories probably are off the forum now enjoying their amazing new bodies haha but I want to pay it forward. @xmaspuds


    Oh no @claireabella1986 honestly don’t be. You’ll have a fantastic op day experience and as long as your prepared you have all your stuff ready, ice packs, bras, comfy clothes etc you’ll be totally fine. Be prepared to literally sit on the sofa for a few days and just ride it out. In the grand scheme of things the pain is so short lived. I honestly feel totally normal now at only 5 weeks. Wishing you all the best. I hope you can get excited again. Your gonna love your new boobs! It makes sense that post op girls use this forum for advice when they have issues. Most happy post op girls wouldn’t post anymore. X

    Natalie 13

    Thanks for this post! I’m only at consultation stage but this forum was starting to make me nervous.
    Your boobs look great!

    Shannie 8

    Thankyou!! 5 days to go and was feeling down after reading recent posts. You look amazing!! Xx

    Anna 10

    They look amazing! You must be so happy! I hope my turn out this good! x

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