Bedtime bras and underwire vs non wired? Started by: Charlotte Blower

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    Hi all,

    I had my surgery 13/12/2022. I love my new boobs but at what point should we stop the post op bras? I’ve been wearing them for bed only and then no wired throughout the day but non wired bras are awful giving no support and there’s not much range out there.

    So it’s two questions really:

    What’s the best bra to wear to bed and is that what I should be doing?

    Will I harm my new boobs if I start wearing underwire all day. I wear a sports bra for work as I’m in the emergency services but I have this fear of underwire anything over 6 hours as that’s what my surgeon said but they feel way more comfortable than underwire.

    Please help!


    Hey, I believe you only have to wear the post op bras for 6wks after the surgery.
    I’ve been wearing my post op bra throughout & im nearly 2wks post op so will switch to wearing a non wired bra for nighttime. Any underwired bras I’d probably not wear before 6wks post op

    Beth 25

    I’m 6 years PO & still wear my sports bra to bed! Your boobs are an investment! Look after them 🫶🏻 With regards to the underwire, I was allowed after 6 months but tbf I don’t often wear a wired bra now even still xxx

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