Been sedated for the op Started by: Carmel Samuels

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    I was watching Dr Hilary the other morning and he was on about people been sedated for operations. Basically saying that a certain percent of people feel everything but can’t say that it’s hurting. I’m so scared as I am booked in in 2 weeks time for breast enlargement under sedation. Please tell me no one has experienced this ??

    Paige 58

    Oh your a worrier like me. I was researching everything before my op (bad idea!!) And heard about this. I can assure you, you will not remember anything and you will not feel anything. The anethatist is with you throughout your op to monitor you ? xx

    Aimee S 26

    I’m also a worrier! But they inject you with local anaesthetic too so even if you weren’t ‘asleep’ I would still assume from the LA that it would be numb anyway? Not had mine done yet so can’t comment but I’m having conscious sedation too, which I’m glad about because I am afraid of general anesthetic thanks to my paranoid mum! haha x

    Amy 265

    Please don’t worry I have never had a op before my ba. I had sedation and didn’t feel a thing and was on my way home after a hour.

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