Before pics has anyone had the same ? 400/300cc Started by: Kym

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  • Kym 6

    Hey ladies. Here’s my before pics. I’m booked in for Sunday with Dr Giannis. I did today asked for 450cc but he said my little boob wouldn’t take it, disappointed was an understatement, even lost my excitement but kind of over it abit now by tomo I’ll be fine.
    Has anyone else had the same situation ( prefer to pics) and had 400/300cc and got good results ?? I want to be a DD/E kinda worried I won’t get that. Currently wearing a 36C padded push up to hide the difference. Big boob bulges out and little boob has a gap

    Sorry I didn’t cover nips but it was for a clearer view of the difference

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    Laura 47

    Hiya chick. I’ve got pics on my profile – just add me as a friend to see them. I had 375 cc overs just a week ago. I’m a size 10/12 and although I was a 34 b the shape is no too dissimilar xx

    Kym 6

    Thank you Hun added you x

    Joanne 19

    I had 400cc pics on my profile… send me an add x

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