Being a chicken?! Started by: Tahia

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  • Tahia 3

    Why is it that ever since I’ve had my surgery booked I’ve only read horror stories?! 🙁 I mean I know it’s not going to be all rainbows and unicorns.. and I know to expect it to hurt ..

    Anyone whose had partials put my mind at rest please!!!

    Surgery is only 3 days away!!!



    I’m the worlds biggest wimp and I didn’t think it was that bad. My family and my boyfriend expected me to be a complete nightmare but they were pleasantly surprised!! The first 4 days are definitely the worst, but once they’re over it’s so much easier. I found the pain meds made me really sleepy so I kinda just slept through it all! Xx

    Rebecca -1

    Which clinic are you having the surgery at ive only got 3 days aswell . 🙂


    Ok so you’ve probably read mine recently, and I can now say that after the first 3-4 days I feel so much better. It’s not nice but as long as you keep up with pain relief and have a hot water bottle for your back and ice for the top of your boobs you’ll get through it and then it’s fine!! There is no point in worrying about how you may feel after, you might be fine, it’s probably that I’m a complete baby! Haha if you want it doing just think about why and think about further down the line! You’ll be fine! Feel free to message me if you need to xxx


    Hi babe, I had 425 cc partials on 26/10 and was soooo nervous! Finally getting my strapping off tomorrow and the only pain I’m in now is it feels like tight pressure on my boobs but I think that is down to the strapping! I stopped taking my meds 2 days ago as it wasn’t agreeing with me, but plenty of rest, food, water and painkillers will see you through! First 4 days are the hardest but it honestly becomes bare able! Good luck I’m sure they will look amazing! X

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