Best 10 minutes in my ba journey to date day 12 Started by: Emma 22.4.2014

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    No it wasn’t sex! Had a shower and decided to leave my sports bra off for a good ten minutes before putting it back on x bliss my ribs are thrilled ! Felt like a naughty school girl as the nurse said you must keep it on all the time and put it straight back on after a shower xx Supposed to be going into Manchester today for a spot of shopping and to meet up with some friends for tea xxx have a good day ladies what ever you r up too xx


    Hahahahaha this was making me laugh. I took my bra of for sex last night and half way through had to put it back on as it was hurting me lol. It is nice taking it off but it does feel so heavy.


    Ha this made me laugh the feeling of freedom when you take the sports bra off briefly is bliss isn’t it ha ha?!! Hope you enjoy your day shopping. I treated myself to several glasses of wine last night & no sickness today 🙂 xx


    Yeah i had 2 double vodkas and oranges and in fine today


    Brilliant not just me then ladies xx good for you Clare excellent news xxx very good Jamie xx just got home feeling shattered but not sick xx lol xx also I know we are not supposed to use anything yet but I have have really dry skin on my nipple area I’ve put some bio oil on them this evening as they are so sore anyone else with the same? When I take my bra off my skin is in the cup never ever had this before and I breast fed my daughter xx I’ve had to do something answers on a postcard please xxx

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