Best post op bra? And things I need to take for before/during/after procedure? Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 16

    Hey guys, I have my surgery booked for July 24th (41days not that I’m counting ?).
    I’m having high profile implants over the muscle.

    I have read a mixed bag in regards to post op bra’s, also no idea on how to guess size?!?!
    And in the bag to take with what what will I need?

    Thanks in advance xxxx

    Hannah 29

    I was thinking about this last night as mine is 8th July. So far I’m thinking
    – a zip up light jacket as a top and / or a button up shirt
    – v pillow
    – some snacks (I’m gluten free so I would take snacks anyways just in case the hospital options are limited)
    – phone with Netflix and earphones
    – book
    – change of clothes
    – loose bottoms so I don’t have to fiddle with zips and buttons when going to the loo

    But I honestly am struggling to think of other things! I feel like more important things should be on my list haha

    Nikki 6

    Hi ladies, just want to add that after the op I was in and out of sleep for like 4 hours, barely got round to reading my book then got discharged at 6pm! You won’t need a v pillow, simply because they raise the head of the bed for you so you’ll be propped up comfortably. Definitely take a loose zip up hoodie or cardigan. I ordered a £15 post surgery bra from Amazon based on my previous band size of 32 and it was snug as a bug! xx

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