I’m only 3 weeks 3 days post op but want to order a few sports bras for when I reach the 6 week mark.. I’m using the asda ones at the moment but their quite cheap and no way good enough for when I start running again. Any1 know any high support sports bras I can use for exercise?Xxx
I think I’ll continue to use the Macom bra tbh, my new assets feel so supportive in them or I’ll look to get M@S shock absorber sports bra for I when I start back the gym. I’ve accepted your request hun xx
M&S high impact sports bras for are the best. I wear them under my nike gym tops and they don’t move. Im 5 and a half weeks postbox and now fully back to high impact exercise like running and they are absolutely fine thank god!
O im gona go marks for bras then im gona miss keeping fit n running so much! i was told 6 wks then lite excercise too so hope im able to run like u @Zm1989 @ 5wks post op! Xx