Best sports bra for running Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 1

    Well in just over 2 weeks (thank god) i will finally be able to get back into my training, feel like a right frump at the minute and just wondered what is the best sports bra to get for running as im scared of going myself black eyes ha ha, any advice would very appreciated xx

    AllyH 2

    I read on here from someone who runs a lot that the shock absorber run was really good. Would be interested in options too. Some people put two on – any two or do different combinations work better for comfort and support? xx

    Sarah 1

    Thanks hun, i read that as well about wearing 2 so would like some advice on which ones as my boobs used to move before ba and if these ladies move I will be in trouble and no doubt PAIN ha ha xx

    AllyH 2

    Yeah, know exactly what you mean – not that mine moved much before haha. Think I’ll be waiting the full 6 weeks before I try to run again but OMG I’m desperate to get back to it and am hating how much running fitness I must be losing . Going to be a long hard spring and summer. But woo hooo when I get back up to the same speed and distance with my new babies, xx

    A30 1

    Shock absorber bras are the best. I use them now and I’ve bought one for after my BA which is tomorrow….eeeek! X

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