Bit of a cold before op Started by: danielle

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    So last night i could hardly sleep at all due to a stuffy nose so i knew straight away i was getting a cold, but i was the exact same last monday so could just be the sniffles again, my op is on the 3rd and im just a bit worried they won’t do it if you have a cold? still got a few days and should be over the worst by tuesday if it is one. but just wondering if anyones had a cold and they’ve still done it? xx

    candybabey 3

    Hi your more prone to infections etc if you have a fever etc but a mild cold should be fine.. Just stay in have plenty of rest and keep warm

    emma 3

    , I had the sniffles before my op, and I was fine. They do take your temperature through, but Im sure you will be fine xx


    I had a cold and a bit of a sore throat when I had my op, they listen to your chest to make sure it’s not too full of rubbish before they give the go-ahead. I was fine though. (Had mine Tuesday) x


    Aw yay what a relief been driving myself crazy thinking what if lol, thank you girls xx

    hows are you feeling? so worried im not going to able to stand the pain from what i’ve read on here!x


    @danielle I honestly can not believe how easy my recovery has been!! I’ve had minimum pain. Straight after my op I was able eat, use the loo (you have to before you leave hospital) and walk around, I can use my arms but not carry weight. Today has been the worse as I went do a little shopping but I was just aching, a few sharp pains and itchy..nothing major. Just relax and stay on top if your pain killers 🙂 I was a nervous wreck before going into surgery but honestly it’s all gone so smoothly. Good luck for your op! It’s worth it all! xx


    @daisy Aw that’s good news! fingers crossed my recovery goes as well as yours then! Getting really excited now bit nervous but more excited if anything sure i’ll be the same before i go in aswell but it’ll all definitely be worth it from what i’ve heard haha, thank you xx

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